Sharks The Animal Answer Guide

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Index 241

classification, 3–10, 224, 227–29
Clearnose Skate (Raja eglanteria), 88, 113, 180
climate change, 191
coastal sharks, 84–85
cold-blooded animals, 24
Collared Carpetshark (Parascyllium collare), 66
coloration, 38, 53–67; causes, 62–63; colorful,
57–61; colorless, 61–62; countershading,
53–57; daily and seasonal, 66; deepwater,
56–57; eye, 64; geographic variations, 66–67;
and growth, 65–66; to hide from predators,
105; to identify individuals, 72; reason for,
color vision, 36, 37–38, 60, 140
comic strips, 213–14
commercial extinction, 187. See also overfishing
Common Thresher (Alopias vulpinus), 130
Common Torpedo Ray (Torpedo torpedo), 61
Compagno, Leonard J. V., 3
conservation organizations, 195, 201, 230–31
Convention on International Trade in Endan-
gered Species (CITES), 188, 198
Cookiecutter Shark (Isistius brasiliensis), 27 , 27,
30, 60, 90, 137, 146–47, 174–75
cooperative feeding, 154–56
Copley, John Singleton, 217
coprolites, 20
counter-current exchange system, 24
countershading, 53–57, 59, 63–64
Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus), 28, 223;
albino, 62; feeding, 148, 153; “fevers,” 71;
home range, 77; migration, 71, 77, 88, 100;
reproduction, 116; schools, 70, 71, 97, 171;
seeing in captivity, 167–68; sex segregation,
128; teeth, 28
cow sharks, 4, 10, 122, 224
Cowtail Stingray (Pastinachus sephen), 70, 104
Crocodile Shark (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai), 94
Crossback Stingaree (Urolophus cruciatus), 105
Ctenacanthus, 13
cultural roles, 206–8; in mythology and reli-
gion, 202–6; in popular culture, 208–15
Cylindrical Lantern Shark (Etmopterus carteri),

dangerousness. See attacks by sharks
Dean, Bushford, 19
Deepwater Stingray (Plesiobatis daviesi), 95
defenses against predators, 104–7
denticles, 2, 6, 41–42, 81, 106, 110, 150, 152, 198
Denver Downtown Aquarium, 61
desert regions, 100
devil rays, 52, 80
discovery of new species, 10–11
disease, 107, 108–11, 164, 180–81
dive tourism, 165–66, 189, 200
documentaries, 212
dogfish sharks, 1, 4, 10; abundance, 71, 97,
170–71; brain, 51, 80; eyes, 64; fishing, 97;

geographic distribution, 96; habitats, 13;
ocean depth, 94; pests, 170–71; reproduction,
116; schools, 71. See also Portuguese Dogfish;
Spiny Dogfish Shark
Doliodus problematicus, 13
dorsal fins, 5; Blacktip Reef Shark, 56, 69, 72,
73; chimaeras, 106; dogfish sharks, 116;
freshwater aquarium fishes, 157; guitarfishes,
10; Lemon Shark, 12; Megatooth Shark,
18; Oceanic Whitetip Shark, 56; Porbeagle
Shark, 56; Port Jackson Shark, 158; remoras
on, 77; skates, 2, 8; in swimming, 47; tag-
ging, 225; above water, 12, 34, 69, 79; White
Sharks, 131, 225
doughnut sharks, 107. See also shysharks
drought survival, 100
durophages, 152–53
Dusky Shark (Carcharhinus obscurus), xvi, 61, 84,
124, 223
Dwarf Lantern Shark (Etmopterus perryi), 16, 16
eagle rays, 4, 10. See also Spotted Eagle Ray
ears, 35
eating shark meat, 182–84, 194, 200
Echinorhiniformes, 4, 10, 228
ecosystems, 21–22, 110, 111; endangered spe-
cies, 185–91; global warming, 191; litter in
ocean, 192
ecotourism, 165–66, 189, 200
egg cases, 117–18, 123, 127; chimaera, 118,
124; Horn Shark, 126, 127 ; predator feeding
on, 102, 135; skate, 2, 8, 117–18, 123, 126
eggs: fixed time and place for laying, 121;
habitats for laying, 115, 119–20; hatching
time, 119–20; internal fertilization, 2, 5, 13,
114, 115; intrauterine feeding on, 31–32,
116, 122; laying, 115–16, 118; maternal care,
125–26, 127; number produced, 121–24; size
and shape, 117
elasmobranchs (Elasmobranchii), 1–4, 6, 8,
227–28; freshwater, 91; geomagnetic orienta-
tion, 40; habitats, 12, 91; hypoxia-tolerant,
47; mating, 112; new species, 10; olfaction,
33; rare, 97; teeth, 5, 8
electric discharges, 40–41, 102, 105, 106, 118,
146, 160, 176
electric field detection, 36, 38–40, 90, 115,
140–41, 180
Elephantfish (Callorhinchus callorynchus), 88
embryos: albino, 61; carried in different stages
of development, 123; in egg case, 117–18;
fossilized, 114; gestation period, 118–19;
intrauterine cannibalism, 31–32, 116, 122;
maternal care, 126, 128; metabolism, 117;
nutrition, 116, 117; parasitized, 109; parthe-
nogenesis and, 127; paternity analysis, 125;
protection, 117–18; scale development, 6,
42; tooth development, 31, 32, 42; toxin
effects, 183
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