Computational Methods in Systems Biology

(Ann) #1
An R Package to Assess Transfer Entropies via Permutation Tests 289

Fig. 4.TE for the toy molecular system in Fig. 2 andkvy=0.001. Note, the “+” signs
indicates significantZ>4 values. NHST values for TEs of other species combinations
are non-significant, thus we cannot conclude on any dependency.

Fig. 5.(a) TE(v→y) for the toy molecular system in Fig. 2 for varyingkvy1. The
black points mark TE(y→v) and the red ones show TE(v→y). (b) The percentile
for the respective TE permutation test; run over 100 repetitions.

A tutorial (pdf) on how to use the package is available under the sameURL.

Acknowledgments.The authors gratefully acknowledge (partial) financial support
by the LOEWE projects iNAPO & compuGene of the Hessen State Ministry of Higher
Education, Research and the Arts. The authors are grateful for the comments of anony-
mous referees that improved the manuscript and the style of presentation.


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