Computer Arts

(Martin Jones) #1
Thomas Sabatier: Redemption Road

Laura Thompson: Senseless

spring 2017

in? Does it inspire people’s trust or command their
attention? Be relentless in pursuit of your mission
and be prolific in whatever you decide to do.
As creatives we’re often obsessed with the quality
of our projects. And don’t get me wrong it’s good
to have high standards. But the idea of quality over
quantity can be misleading. I believe that quantity
can lead to quality. It’s only by doing a lot that we
figure out what works and what doesn’t – what we
like and what we don’t. It’s this commitment to action
that reverses the paralysing effect of choice. Smashing
out project after project will not only make you a
better creative but it’ll ensure that you never get
stuck between the hay and the water.



mAke THe moST oF youR moRninGS
AnD mAP ouT youR PRioRiTieS

it sounds crazy that creatives would need to put
in place time to create. But if you feel yourself
spending more time managing than making that
could be exactly what you need. i find Tim Ferriss’
morning Pages exercise incredibly useful as a way
to kick-start my productive self and focus on the
day ahead. it goes like this...


Wake up 30 minutes before you have to
avoiding all screens and distractions if you
can and grab yourself a pen and a notebook.


Write down three to five things that are
making you anxious or uncomfortable. These
are often the things that you don’t want to do
and keep pushing from one day to the next.


For each item ask yourself: ‘If this were
the only thing that I accomplished today would
I be satisfied with my day?’ Put another way
which task if done will make all the other
things on the list easier or even irrelevant?


Block out several hours to focus on one of the
things on the ‘yes’ list for the day. Piecing together
20 minutes here and there won’t cut it. Don’t worry
if things pop up during the day that’s life. Just deal
with them if they’re urgent and then bring your
focus back to the task at hand.
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