Computer Arts

(Martin Jones) #1

SPRING 2017 pearlfisher

Molly and Kristoffer are
part of Pearlfisher’s Strategy
division and work with
clients to develop their
brand vision. They have been
at the agency for two years
and one year respectively.

Our second video sees strategists Molly Rowan
Hamilton (pictured) and Kristoffer Fink Parup
walk through how the Strategy division works
at Pearlfisher and reveal some of the tools and
techniques they use to get to the heart of a brand.

  1. Look to the future to see the present
    “the big question always is: ‘what do you
    want your brand to become ultimately?’”
    argues Kristoffer Fink parup. “‘Where is it
    10 years down the line and why is that so?’”
    by asking this kind of open question he
    adds you can reveal the deeper thinking
    behind a brand as well as any underlying
    issues or blind spots. “We might have
    a different opinion about what’s going to be
    relevant how the industry is shifting and
    we can have a conversation about that.”

  2. Engage in informal conversations
    interacting with clients on a conversational
    level feels less like an interview and helps
    humanise the process. “often clients will
    express things they don’t necessarily
    realise they’re expressing” observes molly
    rowan Hamilton. “ideas and solutions can
    just come about and it’s our job to see
    them and extract meaning.” When it comes
    to challenger brands in particular she
    continues it often helps to start by asking
    what their competitors are doing wrong.

  3. understand the brand’s trajectory
    pearlfisher works with challenger and
    iconic brands and everything in between:
    “We map brands out on their trajectory
    upwards towards iconic” explains parup.
    “of course once you reach iconic status
    there’s still competition – it’s not like some
    kind of nirvana where no one’s going to
    touch you.” it can still pay to have that
    scrappy challenger mentality to shake
    things up and parup gives virgin as a great
    example of that.

  4. Tailor strategy to market position
    Depending on where a brand is on that
    trajectory the goal of the strategy is
    different. “For a challenger brand you
    need to know what to challenge and how”
    Hamilton points out. “For iconic brands it’s
    more about nurturing – understanding why
    people love you and cherishing that to keep
    you as iconic as you possibly can be for as
    long as possible.” often she adds people’s
    affection for a brand originally stems from
    its original challenger mentality.

Strategists Molly Rowan Hamilton
and Kristoffer Fink Parup share
the tricks of their trade




Above and right: the design
language pearlfisher created for
non-alcoholic beverage seedlip
is influenced by the distillation of
natural ingredients informed by
herbal remedies of the 17th century.

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