Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries

(Axel Boer) #1
Chapter 23: Chacoan peccary Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi, 1930)


Status in Captivity
The species is held is several zoos in the USA and Latin
America. The Proyecto Taguá was established in 1986 in central
Paraguay as a means of learning more about the reproductive
biology and general behaviour of the Chacoan peccary, and to
serve as a nucleus for future release into protected Paraguayan
protected areas (Benirschke & Heuschele 1993; Yahnke et al.
1997). This captive breeding project is funded by the Center
for the Reproduction of Endangered Species (Zoological
Society of San Diego). At the beginning, the species was dif-
ficult to establish in captivity. However, since its establishment,

Proyecto Taguá has had good success, reintroducing animals
back to the wild as well as providing animals to Paraguayan
and international zoos. At present Proyecto Taguá has reintro-
duced over 50 animals back to the wild and holds 105 captive-
born Chacoan peccaries in its facilities (J. Campos, personal

We would like to thank Juan Campos and Andrew Taber for
contributing with their photographs and Juan Campos for pro-
viding information on Proyecto Taguá.


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