Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries

(Axel Boer) #1
Part II: Species Accounts


The collared peccary’s ability to inhabit diverse vegetation
types may help the species to survive in disturbed habitats
such as highly hunted and fragmented areas. In the southern
USA, collared peccaries are abundant on the outskirts of large
cities. They have become accustomed to people and are often
seen walking on streets, foraging through garbage bins or gar-
dens (Figure 24.4; M. Altrichter, personal observation). In the

Calakmul area of Mexico, the collared peccary is common and
considered an important crop-raider in fragmented areas where
people cultivate corn, squash, and other crops. Despite suffer-
ing heavy hunting pressure, it was found that collared peccaries
were common in some areas of southern Mexico (Weber 2000;
Naranjo 2002; Reyna-Hurtado & Tanner 2007) and in several
sites of the Amazon forest (Peres 1996).

Figure 24.3 Collared peccary (Pecari
tajacu) from Calakmul area, Mexico
(photo by Rafael Reyna-Hurtado).

Figure 24.2 Collared peccary (Pecari
tajacu) from Pantanal area, Brazil (photo
by Alexine Keuroghlian).



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