Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1

A.9 Stochastic

Since several times the system shows a bistability one can consider
the following stochastic equation:



dtþηdWt ð 45 Þ

wheredWtstands for a Wiener process andηrepresents the noise
Now consider potentials of the formU(X,t)¼Uo(X)þEXcos
(2πt/τ), composed of a stationary partUowith two minima atX
andX+and a periodic forcing with amplitudeEand periodτ.IfEis
small enough,Xwill oscillate around eitherXorX+, without ever
switching to the other.
But what happens if one increases the noise amplitudeη? Then
there is some probability thatXwill jump from one basin to the
other. If the noise level is just right,Xwill follow the periodic
forcing and oscillate betweenXandX+ with periodτ. This is
what we mean by stochastic resonance.
In more general terms, there isstochastic resonancewhenever
adding noise to a system improves its performance or, in the lan-
guage of signal processing, increases its signal-to-noise ratio. Note
that the noise amplitude cannot be too large or the system can
become completely random.

A.10 Stochastic

The deterministic dynamics of populations in continuous time are
traditionally described using coupled, first-order ordinary differen-
tial equations. While this approach is accurate for large systems, it is
often inadequate for small systems where key species may be present
in small numbers or where key reactions occur at a low rate. The
Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) [31] is a procedure
for generating time-evolution trajectories of finite populations in
continuous time and has become the standard algorithm for these
types of stochastic models. It is well known that stochasticity in
finite populations can generate dynamics profoundly different from
the predictions of the corresponding deterministic model. For
example, demographic stochasticity can give rise to regular and
persistent population cycles in models that are deterministically
stable and can give rise to molecular noise and noisy gene expres-
sion in genetic and chemical systems where key molecules are
present in small numbers or where key reactions occur at a low
rate. Because analytical solutions to stochastic time-evolution equa-
tions for all but the simplest systems are intractable, while numerical
solutions are often prohibitively difficult, stochastic simulations
have become an invaluable tool for studying the dynamics of finite
biological, chemical, and physical systems.
The Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) is a proce-
dure for generating statistically correct trajectories of finite well-
mixed populations in continuous time. The trajectory that is

Inverse Problems in Systems Biology 91
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