the healthy (stable) equilibrium (see Fig. 1b). It is worthwhile
stressing that a stable dynamics should not be confused with a
system in a stationary stable phase (namely, when nothing signifi-
cant happens). Indeed, the former may anyway undergo a wide
range of fluctuations without losing its stability. This means that a
stable dynamics is characterized by resilience (robustness) with
respect to external perturbations, given that it is located in the
manifold of a stable attractor. On the contrary, a stationary stable
system lies in a phase where no apparent dynamical changes occur.
Mathematical Modeling is asked to develop criteria to guide the
interpretation of the observations in making “causes” and “effects”
to raise from experiments (seeFig. 3). One wishes to identify lower
order changes that are precursory to phase transitions inside the
biological systems. In fact, identifying the metastable state during a
complex biological process is a challenging task, because the state of
the system may show neither apparent changes nor clear phenom-
ena before a critical transition. Therefore, recognizing specific steps
by means of additional mathematical variables which vary gradually
could help, not only in identifying markers of transformation for
early diagnosis, but also in determining drug targets.
The interaction between Systems Biology and Mathematical
Modeling would have no hope of generating a virtuous circle, if
not for the emergence of a new actor on stage: the computer. The
performance development of modern computers has permitted to
test models even remotely approachable in the past, through
Fig. 2Phenotypic reversal through myo-Ins-induced MET; schematic cell shape profiles are depicted as
extracted from images, highlighting changes occurring during phenotypic transition
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