Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
k 1
k 1


In this case, the rate ofBformation can be shown to be (see
ref.8 for detailed derivation):




ð 5 Þ

whereVmax¼kcat[E]tandKM¼kcatþk 1 k^1.
The reaction rate increases with increasing [A], approaching an
asymptotic atVmax, when all enzymes (limiting factor) are bound to
A(Fig.2B). [E]tis the total enzyme concentration andkcatis the
maximum number of enzymatic reactions catalyzed per second.
Subsequent work on this basic principle led to the extension of
the kinetics to represent more complex scenarios, such as multi-
substrate ping-pong and ternary-complex mechanisms [8].
There are certain classes of enzymes with multiple active sites
that alter the reaction kinetics in complex ways. For example, the
reaction activity for lower substrate concentration is inefficient
while at higher concentration the activity is highly efficient, result-
ing in S-shape reaction rates (Fig.2C). This usually occurs through
substrate concentration-dependent conformation changes that vary
the enzyme affinity.
The commonly used allosteric reactions adopt the Hill equa-
tion, which is a modified form of the Michaelis-Menten kinetics:




ð 6 Þ

wherenis the Hill coefficient that describes the cooperativity, and
KIis a constant that is different toKM. Note that negative or
positive cooperativity is represented whenn<1orn>1, respec-
tively. Whenn¼1, the Hill equation becomes Michaelis-Menten
Overall, there are various forms of enzyme kinetics, depending
on the types of intermediates or co-factor affecting the overall
reactions. There are entire books just dealing with different types
of enzyme kinetics, and the details are beyond the scope of this

2.3 From Reactions
to Networks

As the development of computing power progressed significantly in
the 1960s, there have been numerous efforts to model complete
biological network modules, such as energy metabolic pathways
and immune signaling cascades. Here, we consider a series of
chemical reactions that form pathways and networks.
Consider a closed system withnspecies,X¼(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xn),
that are connected through chemical reactions. Given a perturba-
tion to one of the species in the system, the resultant changes in the

176 Kumar Selvarajoo

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