Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
deterministically and stably. Otherwise, the host will lose its battle
against attacks and their species will not survive for many genera-
tions. In these situations, stable models (like the ones mentioned in
Subheading2.3) can be used to understand the response patterns.
For cell differentiation to occur, on the other hand, a cell needs to
move away from its initial equilibrium state to a new equilibrium
state pertaining to the differentiated cell. If the initial equilibrium
state is “too” stable, it will be difficult to change the cell fate. Thus,
a cell has to move from a stable to an unstable equilibrium state for
the induction of cell differentiation. For example, reprogramming
the key transcription or Yamanaka factors allows a differentiated cell
to dedifferentiate into an inducible pluripotent cell [34].
Similarly, to treat major diseases like cancer or diabetes, the
therapeutic intervention aims to change the equilibrium from an
“unhealthy” to a “healthy” state. However, the new equilibrium
state should be stable; otherwise, the treatment will not be success-
ful and the disease symptoms will persist. Therefore, depending on
the situation, it is necessary to investigate and classify equilibrium
based on stability. Thus, stability analysis can be an important aspect
of biological network modeling.
Linear models, such as those that are made up of first-order
mass-action or M-M kinetics, are always stable as long as their
parameter values are real and positive. For oscillatory or nonlinear
response, as we have seen in the Brusselator and coupled Goodwin
examples, the equilibrium states can vary and can become unstable
depending on the parameter values. Stability analysis, involving
linearization and calculating the eigenvalues of Jacobian matrices,
can be performed to check when a nonlinear model will be stable at
any particular time or for a range of parameter values.
Let us consider again the linear (first-order) mass-action chain
reactions depicted in Eqs.9 to 11. In the Jacobian form, they can be
written as

¼JδX ð 28 Þ

or, in Matrix form


X 1
X 2
X 3



(^5) ¼
k 1 00
k 1 k 2 0
0 k 2 k 3
X 1
X 2
X 3
(^5) ð 29 Þ
To determine the stability of a system, the eigenvalues (λs) of
the Jacobian matrix are evaluated. If allλs are real and negative, the
reactions will reach a stable node (steady-state level) for each spe-
cies; otherwise, the system can follow a stable focus or become
unstable. Table1 summarizes the conditions for different eigen-
value solutions.
190 Kumar Selvarajoo

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