Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
Each of these has its specific advantage and limitations and
must be carefully chosen depending on the particular problem
that one wants to investigate. Another key ingredient to take into
account is the geometry on which the model lives, whether an
idealized one or a realistic domain imported in the computer
from specific biomedical datasets coming from histological,
NMR, CT scans, or others.
Traditional physicists and mathematicians often feel themselves
more comfortable with the former case, thinking about cancer for
instance as a sphere of a cube so that they can take advantage of the
geometrical symmetries to facilitate the study both analytically and
numerically. On the other hand engineers and computer scientists
are happy with complex situations. This approach takes advantage
of the incredible boost in performance of nowadays computers
which use multiprocessing technology and powerful graphic pro-
cessing units (also present in commercial smartphones, video games
consoles, smart tv, etc.), which 15 years ago were found in particu-
lar academic or industrial contexts only. While the latter situation is
more in the spirit of Systems Biology, we have to say that the
formerly described use of simplified scenarios (often called toy
models) can be extremely useful to orientate and interpret complex
numerical simulations.

2 Experimental Research

As an example, in Fig.1 we show the simulation at a given time of a
brain cancer cells growth in a realistic NMR imported geometry.
In this work, we shall focus on a particular subset of these
possibilities, i.e. the case of solid cancer dynamics described by a
single nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation, mostly on the lines of
previous studies by some of the authors [32]. This approach,
although minimalist in its toy model nature, will accommodate
both points of view of SMT and TOFT conceptually. It moreover
represents a simple example of a Systems Biology activity which
merges somewhat together the knowledge of mathematics, bio-
physics and philosophy of science.
Specifically, the proposed model for the tumor cell concentra-
tion in space and timectðÞ¼;x;y;z ct;x

is governed by the
following reaction-diffusion type partial differential equation (∇

the Laplacian operator, andR¼F(c) is the reaction term):





which, by using Fick’s law for the matter flux vectorJ


results, in Cartesian coordinates, in:

Systems Biology Modelling 207
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