Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
tensor) taking into account not only heterogeneity but also anisot-
ropy [34] associated with the biological fibered structures of
Specifically in this case the symmetric diffusion tensor results


Dxx t;x

Dxy t;x

Dxz t;x


Dyx t;x

Dyy t;x

Dyz t;x

Dzx t;x

Dzy t;x

Dzz t;x



so that the matter flux vectorJ


cis not directed as the
concentration gradient anymore. Stated more technically, such a
vector is not orthogonal to the surfaces of constant cancer cells
In ref.32 however, a further relevant improvement of the
formulation just discussed was presented. Taking advantage of
modeling works on animal dispersal, in fact, the authors hypothe-
sized that cancer cells would act as a predator against prey. In
ecological models, this effect can be mathematically described in
several ways although a significant contribution can be given by
changing the diffusive dynamics as follows. If there are many ani-
mals in a given region, they tend to eat the food supplies rapidly. In
this terminology, we could think about several animal species which
eat the same food as grass for instance. Alternatively, we could talk
about lions or others eating smaller mammals. In any case, these
“eaters,” after realizing that food is becoming scarce tend to reach
zones where there are fewer competitors and almost settle down
there. This process should be a sort of random walk type. When the
random walkers are many, one can substitute the dynamics with a
diffusive one. Here, however, one must take into account that this
is not a conventional diffusive process but an anomalous one,
because when eaters are locally many, they want to diffuse away
rapidly, while when their population locally reduces, their dynamics
is of “walkabout” type, i.e., a little diffusion. In other words, we are
saying that the diffusion coefficient is a function of the concentra-
tion of the diffusive species itself, i.e.,Dct;x

This mathematical modification has dramatic consequences
because it leads to a porous media type nonlinear partial differential
equation [6], which for the sake of simplicity in dimensionless form
results schematically in



n Cm∇



In the limit of vanishingm(hereσis a constant), this process
gives the previously discussed reaction-diffusion equation. On the

210 Christian Cherubini et al.

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