Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
that the relative content or activity assumptions will not affect
validation, because many experimental data such as gene expression
level is also relative. Other molecular-cellular agents in the endoge-
nous molecular-cellular network of liver are quantified in a similar
way, the endogenous molecular-cellular network of liver was trans-
formed into a set of ordinary differential equations which implies
some attractors underlying the molecular-cellular network of
liver [49].

2.4 Normal Liver
and HCC Are Stable
States of Endogenous

According to the ordinary differential equations, we obtain five
attractors that may have obvious or non-obvious biological func-
tions in Table1. Each attractor is specified by the relative content or
activity of these molecular-cellular agents. According to the expres-
sion or the activation level of these agents we can judge the status,
ON or OFF, of the functional modules in each attractor. ON means
the expressional or activation level of the molecular-cellular agents
supports the execution of the functional module, while OFF means
the expression of activation of these agents did not support the
execution of the functional module. In Table1, we summarize the
status of these functional modules, including cell cycle, metabo-
lism, liver-specific function, cell death, cell adhesion, immune
response, and angiogenesis, in each attractor. On the other hand,
we also summarize the status of these functional modules in normal
liver and HCC form clinical and experimental data in Table 1
[45]. Two attractors obtained from the model have a perfect
match with normal liver and HCC respectively when comparing
model results with clinical and experimental results. So, we prelim-
inarily conclude that the two attractors of the model reproduce the
clinical normal liver and HCC.

Table 1
Model result and clinical observations at the modular level

Model results Clinical observation [45]

A B C D Normal hepatocyte Cancerous hepatocyte
Liver differentiation ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF
Cell adhesion ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF
Proliferative metabolism OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON
Immune response OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON
Angiogenesis OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON

Stable states A and B reproduced the key features of normal hepatocyte and cancerous hepatocyte at the modular level

224 Gaowei Wang et al.

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