Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
transformations [14] the two types of agents in the shown simula-
tions have been characterized by both different color (yellow/blue)
and shape (regular/spiky). Due to the crucial influence on the cells
behavior attributed to a manifold of exogenous (environmental)
factors, it also appears of special interest the easy reproduction of
that influence by means of external force-fields, as exemplified in
Fig. 3. The aggregation induced by different force-fields on a
specific cell type is just one of the many relevant effects which
could be made more and more realistic as far as their type and
specificity is concerned. As a matter of fact, some relatively slight
improvements in the simulator would produce relevant predictions,
amenable to experimental tests. Such improvements mainly deal
with a precise modeling the influence of gravitational-fields, cell
density, and various chemical factors on the conformational switch.

2.2 Synchronized

2.2.1 The Problem

A depolarizing wave moving at a 3 mm/min speed in the rabbits
cortex has been observed since a long time by Leao [15] and named
Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD), since after its passage the
cortex remained inactive for some time. In 1994, however, Laur-
itzen [16] showed that associated with the visual aura in human
migraine was a high-activity wave moving in the anterior direction
from the occipital region at speed from 2 to 6 mm/min. The
synchronous activity of large neuron patterns is triggered by the
synchronous activity in a relatively restricted area, which represents
the “epileptic focus.” From that area, the synchronous activity
spreads throughout the whole brain, so that an increasing number
of neurons become active at the same time. CSD is not limited to
the occipital area: its starting point may be observed most

Fig. 3Clustering of “regular” and “spiky” agents induced by specific force-
fields. The agents simulate a mixture of two (yellowandblue) cell types in a Petri
dish and the sources of the force-fields are indicated bysmalldots of the
correspondingcolor, outside the Petri dish

312 Alfredo Colosimo

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