Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1

2.2.2 An Example of Data
Analysis Workflow for MRI

The diagram in Fig.3 shows the conceptual architecture of the
COSYSBI integrated platform for the MRI imaging management.
At the base of the system space are devices that interfere with
data acquisition equipment: MR scanners operating at 1.5, 3.0, and
7.0 T, electroencephalographic equipment (can be used in isolation
or in conjunction with MR scanners in the case of simultaneous
acquisition of neuroradiological and neurophysiological data). The
raw data produced at this first level (data acquisition) is transferred
through the DICOM protocol (images) and dedicated protocols
(EEG and MRS) (second level, data transfer) to a (classification)
third tier structure. In the third level, the data is sorted by two
possible addresses:
l Usable data for clinical purposes.
l Usable data for research purposes.

The fourth level (data storage and preprocessing) involves three
l Convert raw data into interchange format.
l Preprocessing automated raw data (clinical data only).
l Population of repository tables based on the data header.

At this level, appropriate automatic backup procedures will be
implemented. The first level of the section in the user space implies
the opening of a user session, during which the user (local or
remote) authenticates and accesses the system, which grants

Fig. 3Conceptual architecture of the COSYSBI integrated platform

Imaging and Systems Biology 349
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