Under the hypothesis of homogeneity of the solution where
reactions occur, the mass action law asserts that the time evolution
of the concentrations of the chemical substances is described by the
system of ordinary differential equations:
i¼ 1
ri μijνij
Aν 1 i^1 Aνmim ð 2 Þ
wherej¼1,...,m, and the symbols represent both the chemical
substance and its concentration;riis the rate constant. The rate
equations2 are derived under the following assumptions.
- Chemical reactions. When they occur, are due to elastic colli-
sions between the reactants. - Homogeneity of the reacting substances in the solution.
- Thermal equilibrium of the solution.
At the atomic and molecular scale, chemical reactions between
molecules can occur only if molecules collide or approach each
other to small distances where bounding forces become meaning-
ful. These chemical bounding forces are of electrical or quantum
origin, and at distances larger than the mean free path they become
less important when compared with the kinetics associated with the
molecular motion. As chemical reactions only occur if the chemical
substances involved collide, the vector fields associated with the
right-hand side of Eq.2 are in general quadratic, representing
binary collisions. Higher order polynomial vector fields are possible
but, at the microscopic level, they are associated to triple or higher
order collisions, a situations that occurs with a very low probability.
The equation2 can also be written in the matrix form,
¼ΓωðÞA ð 3 Þ
whereΓis thenmmatrix andAT¼(A 1 ,...,Am)
r 1 ðμ 1 jν 1 jÞAν 1 i^1 ... Aνm^1 m
...: ...: ...
rnðμnjνnjÞAν 1 n^1 ... Aνmnm
A ð 4 Þ
in generaln 6 ¼m. Associated with the differential equations one has
the conservation laws:
ðÞ¼Aνk 0 ð 5 Þ
The input of genetic regulatory networks contains the list of
transcriptional activators and repressors of the network. If, in gen-
eral, the genes are catalytic substances presented in any genetically
controlled biological process, the usual threshold concept in
72 Rodolfo Guzzi et al.