Systems Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology)

(Tina Sui) #1
The time differential equations are:

dC 2

¼k 8 notPC 2 ðtÞþk 9 CPðtÞþk 6 MðtÞ


¼k 8 notPC 2 ðtÞk 9 CPðtÞk 3 CPðtÞYðtÞ


¼k 5 notPMðtÞk 6 MðtÞþðk 4 primeþk 4 MðtÞ^2 ÞpMðtÞ


¼k 5 notPMðtÞðk 4 primeþk 4 MðtÞ^2 ÞpMðtÞþk 3 CPðtÞYðtÞ


¼k 1 aak 2 YðtÞk 3 CPðtÞYðtÞ

dY P

¼k 6 MðtÞk 7 YPðtÞ

ð 17 Þ

wheretis the time andki, the rate constant for stepi(i¼1,..., 9).
aa means amino acids. There are six time-dependent variables: the
concentrations of cdc2 (C2), cdc2-P (CP), preMPF¼P-cyclin-
cdc2-P (pM), active MPF¼P-cyclin-cdc2 (M), cyclin (Y), and
cyclin-P (YP). Active MPF is described by the function F([M]). The
equation where active MPF is described is given by the function
Mthat is equal to (k 4 prime+k 4 M)^2 , wherek 4 primeis the rate
constant when [active MPF]¼0 andk4 is the rate constant when
[active MPF]¼[CT], where [CT]¼total cdc2. Tyson assumesk 4
k 4 prime. Related data are reported in Table1.
The graphic plot is shown in Fig.1.

Table 1
Data value used in the numerical solution

Parameters Value
k1aa 0.015 min^1
k2 0 min^1
k3 200 min^1
k4 10–1000 min^1
k4prime 0.018 min^1
k5notP 0
k6 0.1–10 min^1
k7 0.6 min^1
k8notP k9 (10^6 )
k9 k6 (10^3 )

78 Rodolfo Guzzi et al.

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