The New Neotropical Companion

(Elliott) #1
Plate 15- 74. A pair of White- necked Puffbirds (Notharchus
macrorhynchos). The species ranges from Mexico to Argentina.
Photo by Kevin Zimmer.

Plate 15- 73. Head of a Spotted Puffbird (Bucco tamatia)
showing the long rictal bristles and formidable bill. Photo by
Andrew Whittaker.

Plate 15- 75. The Collared Puffbird (Bucco capensis) is
widespread in Amazonia. Photo by Sean Williams.

Plate 15- 76. The Semicollared Puffbird (Malacoptila semicincta)
is a rain forest species of limited range in western Amazonia.
Photo by Sean Williams.

Plate 15- 77. The Swallow- wing (also called Swallow- winged
Puffbird) (Chelidoptera tenebrosa) is the only puffbird that is
an aerial forager, catching flying insects in the air. It typically
sits on an exposed perch and is easy to observe. The species
occurs throughout Amazonia, usually in open clearings or
forest edges. Photo by Sean Williams.

290 chapter 15 neotropical birds: the bustling crowd

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