The New Neotropical Companion

(Elliott) #1
Plate 15- 161. Black- throated Blue Warblers fare better in
forests than scrubby habitats. A male is shown. Photo by John

Plate 15- 162. The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is a colonial
swallow that winters throughout much of South America,
including Amazonia. It was among the first species whose
breeding and wintering range connectivity was established
by use of geolocators. The bird in the photo is a male. Photo
by John Kricher.

Plate 15- 163. Male Blackpoll Warbler in spring plumage
heading north to its boreal forest breeding grounds. It follows
an entirely different route than it does in its fall migration.
Photo by John Kricher.

Plate 15- 164. The true wintering range of the Veery is poorly
documented but may be in areas where deforestation has
been accelerating and much habitat is already lost. Photo by
John Kricher.

Plate 15- 165. A Kirtland’s Warbler on its highly restricted
wintering grounds in the Bahamas. Photo by Bruce Hallett.

Plate 15- 166. The Chestnut- sided Warbler may be a species
that has benefited from increasing successional habitats
created as a result of forest clearance. The bird in the photo is
a male. Photo by John Kricher.

chapter 15 neotropical birds: the bustling crowd 317

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