176 V. G. Kakani et al.
k=−∆+0.53 14.4 (Pa)
∆=+0.03 SLA 14.0
T=+above-ground biomass leaf()()stem /TEL
Table 8.8 Observed specific leaf area (SLA, cm^2 g−1) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD, kPa) in
water stress treatments, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ), transpiration efficiency (TE, g−1^ kg−1),
transpiration during stress periods (T, L) derived from SLA values using the equations described
by Wright et al. (1996)
Water stress
SLA Δ = 0.03(SLA) + 14 K = 14.4–0.53(Δ) VPD TE = k/ VPD T (mm)
Sowing 1
IR 192 19.76 3.92 1.82 2.16 208
WS 201 20.04 3.78 1.82 2.08 116
SED 1.14
Sowing 2
IR 180 19.41 4.11 2.26 1.82 165
WS 164 18.91 4.37 2.26 1.94 99
SED 1.28
IR irrigated, WS water stress, SLA specific leaf area
- indicates significance at 0.05 level of probability
Fig. 8.7 Simulated values of cumulative soil evaporation ( ES) and transpiration ( T) values in
irrigated—IR (supplied with 100 % ETC) and water stress (supplied with 40 % of ETC from flower-
ing) treatments in sowing 1 from sowing to harvest