RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

3.2 Tissue

In order to minimize the RNA degradation, prepare the snap-
frozen tissue samples as quickly as possible.

  1. Dissect the tissues that contain the target cells or subcellular
    compartments. Dissect another tissue for genotyping (see
    Note 4). In case of RGC axons, the rostral half of the superior
    colliculi is quickly dissected.

  2. Place the tissue into a prelabeled Eppendorf tube.

  3. Secure the lid, and then place the tube directly into the liquid

  4. The frozen tissues can be stored in a liquid nitrogen storage
    tank or 80 C freezer.

  5. Genotype for the Cre transgene for each tissue sample

3.3 Lysis and

  1. Prepare the CHX-lysis buffer (lysis buffer with cycloheximide)
    immediately before the use.

  2. Place the frozen tissues into a Dounce homogenizer containing
    500 μL ice-cold CHX-lysis buffer (5–10 w/v % tissues in CHX-
    lysis buffer). If necessary, pull two to four tissue samples for the
    same genotype (i.e., pull Cre-positive tissues in one tube, and
    Cre-negative tissues in another tube). For RGC axons, we used
    three or four pairs of superior colliculi.

  3. On ice, homogenize the tissues gently but thoroughly until
    lysate becomes clear. If using the same Dounce homogenizer
    for multiple samples, homogenize Cre-negative tissues first.
    Wash the homogenizer multiple times with RNase-free water,
    and once with CHX-lysis buffer.

  4. Centrifuge the lysate at 16,000gat 4C for 10 min. Care-
    fully take the supernatant and transfer to a prechilled tube. The
    supernatant contains tagged ribosome–mRNA complexes. If
    necessary, 5μL of supernatant can be stored as the “input” for
    TRAP. During this step, prepare the magnetic Protein G beads
    as insteps 5– 7.

  5. Resuspend the magnetic Protein G beads in the vial, and trans-
    fer 40μL to a new tube.

  6. Place the tube on the magnet to separate the beads from the
    solution, and remove the supernatant.

  7. Resuspend the beads in 40μL of CHX-lysis buffer and repeat
    thestep 6.

  8. Transfer the supernatant after centrifugation (step 4) to the
    washed beads (step 7).

  9. Rotate the tube (head-to-toe rotation) for 1 h in cold room
    (preclearing step to minimize nonspecific binding of mRNAs
    to the Protein G beads).

Isolation of In Vivo Axonal Translatome 89
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