RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1
by breaking excessive lines by pressing the left mouse button and
the Alt key simultaneously. Go to “Label inspection” mode to
check whether you have made all necessary corrections (Fig.5).

  1. Use “get Masks” or simply close the Annotation control win-
    dow to finalize your masks image and save it (seeNote 41)

3.5.2 Transcript

  1. Open the original z-stack image that you acquired on the
    microscope. In addition, open the Cell mask image that you
    generated in the previous steps in Fiji if you would like to assign
    transcripts to cells (seeNote 42).

  2. Start the “Cell transcript analysis” plugin which is part of the
    MS-ECS-2D update site (plugins >Cell transcript > Cell
    transcript analysis). Select the smFISH image and cell mask
    and adjust the settings to your sample (Fig.6a).

  3. First, run the Transcript analysis plugin once to generate a plot
    of maximum distributions (‘MaxDistrib*.png’) (seeFig. 6b).
    This plot will help you to determine the appropriate transcript
    detection threshold. The threshold should be set between
    background and transcript signal peaks (seeFig. 6b). You can
    zoom into the plot by dragging a rectangle around the area of
    interest (seeFig. 6b 2 ). Identify the transcript detection thresh-
    old that is appropriate for your smFISH sample.

Fig. 5The Cell annotation plugin. The Cell annotation pipeline in Fiji can be used
to correct over- and under-segmentations (Correction mode) by drawing missing
lines and breaking excessive lines. In the Annotation mode, cells can be
assigned to a specific group, for example based on cell type. In the Label
inspection mode (depicted here), the final cell segmentation results can be

154 L. Carine Stapel et al.

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