RNA Detection

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  1. Remove fixative solution and replace with 1 mL 30% sucrose.
    Allow tissues to equilibrate for 2 h to overnight at 4C(see
    Note 6).

  2. Transfer the equilibrated tissue into a plastic embedding mold.
    Orient the tissue with the ventricle flat on the bottom of the

  3. With a Kimwipes, absorb as much of the sucrose solution as

  4. Slowly add Tissue Freezing Medium to cover the entire tissue,
    filling the mold to about¾of the way full. If necessary, reposi-
    tion the tissue with Dumont #5 forceps.

  5. Freeze the embedded tissue at 80 C for at least 2 h prior to
    proceeding. Tissues may be stored frozen in blocks indefinitely
    (seeNote 7).

3.2 Tissue

  1. Before sectioning, equilibrate the tissue block to the tempera-
    ture of the cryostat chamber, at 25 C, for 30 min.

  2. Section tissues at a thickness of 10μm on cryostat and transfer
    sections onto Superfrost/Plus microscope slides (seeNote 8).

  3. Allow sections to air-dry overnight at room temperature. We
    generally add Drierite desiccant into the slide box with the
    slides to facilitate faster drying. Slides can be used immediately
    or stored at 20 C for up to 1 year.

  4. When ready to perform the probe hybridization, warm the
    slides at room temperature for 1 h. This is usually sufficient
    time to ensure the slides are dry and warm.

3.3 Antigen Retrieval 1. Before proceeding to pretreatment, fill a Coplin jar with anti-
gen retrieval buffer and place the Coplin jar inside a 500 mL
beaker. Add water to the beaker until the water level reaches
~3/4 of the Coplin jar. Using aluminum foil, cover the entire
assembly. Take care to ensure that water is not splashing into
the antigen retrieval buffer.

  1. Place a thermometer inside the Coplin jar and apply heat in
    increments until the citrate solution reaches a temperature of at
    least 100C. If the solution is heated too quickly, the Coplin jar
    will crack. While the antigen buffer is heating, proceed with the
    following steps (seeNote 9).

  2. Outline the tissue sections on each slide with a hydrophobic
    pen in order to create a barrier to hold incubation solutions. Be
    cautious to not touch the tissues. Allow the ink barrier to dry

  3. Rinse the slides in 1PBS for 5 min in a Coplin jar. Gently
    move slides up and down to remove Tissue Freezing Medium.

202 Viravuth P. Yin

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