RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1
limited (seeNote 33). Figure4 shows a selected example of
PCDH X/Y genotyping. Whole study including technical
aspects and results is published in [18].

4 Notes

1.TthDNA ligase exhibits significantly greater thermal stability
and ligation specificity over traditional DNA ligases [15] and it
works very well for SNP genotyping in our hands. Greater
polymorphism discrimination specificity is generally observed
when the discriminating nucleotide is present on the 3^0 end of
the PLP arm [15]. Alternative DNA ligases can be used for
conventional mRNA detection and genotyping [13]or

Fig. 4In situPCDH11X/YSNP detection in male, Medulla oblongata embryo. Human male Medulla oblongata
section is simultaneously hybridized with a singleACTBPLP, five probes for X chromosomePCDH11homolog
and five for Y chromosome homolog ofPCDH11.(a) Full Medulla oblongata section scan.Insethighlighted in
yellowenlarged inb,c.(b) The same region of the section with staining forACTB(green) and (c)PCDH11X/Y
(cyanandredrespectively). Size of the scale bar in theinset 50 μm. Probe sequences and experiment setup
published in [18]

222 Tomasz Krzywkowski and Mats Nilsson

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