- Use the “Freehand Selections” tool to draw a Region of Inter-
est (ROI) around the object. This object ROI is automatically
applied to the two channel images within the same stack. - For each image, measure the total integrated fluorescence den-
sity and area (in pixels) within the object ROI by selecting
Analyze>Measure. - For each image, measure the average background fluorescence
by first drawing at least four ROIs in areas just outside the cell
of interest (seeNote 18). - Measure the mean fluorescence density (per pixel) within each
“background” ROI by selecting Analyze>Measure. - Compute the average of the mean fluorescence densities of the
four background ROIs. Multiply this value by the area of the
object ROI to obtain the total background fluorescence inten-
sity within the object ROI. - Subtract the total background fluorescence intensity from the
total integrated fluorescence density within the object ROI to
obtain the total object fluorescence.
3.5 Quantifying the
Extent of Nonspecific
- After quantifying fluorescence signals of MBs and IRDye® 800
in water-in-oil emulsions and cells using the method described
above, nonspecific opening of MBs can be determined as pre-
viously described [18], according to the following equation:
%MBs opened¼
100 %:
2.RCELLis the fluorescence ratio of living cells, andRBUBBLES,
CLOSEDandRBUBBLES,OPENEDare the fluorescence ratios of
aqueous bubbles prepared from water-in-oil emulsions of
unhybridized MBs (0% opened) and MBs hybridized with
excess complementary targets (100% opened), respectively
(seeNote 19).
- Example images and resulting analysis that led us to conclude
that the 2Me/PSLOOPMB is the most stable configuration
among the different PS modified and non-PS modified MBs
are shown in Fig.2 (seeNote 20).
3.6 Assessing the
Functionality of MBs
While 2Me/PSLOOPMBs exhibit the least nonspecific signals, it is
also important to confirm that they still retain the ability to hybrid-
ize to target RNA in living cells. This can be achieved by micro-
injecting excess fully complementary synthetic target RNA
molecules into cells previously microporated with MBs. If the
MBs are functionally active, injection of complementary target
RNA should lead to an increase in MB fluorescence.
250 Mingming Chen et al.