- 3% agarose/ACSF.
- Collagen solution (e.g., Nitta Gelatin Cellmatrix).
2.5 Image and
Statistical Analysis
- Image J (NIH).
- Imaris (Bitplane).
- Prism (Graphpad).
3 Methods
3.1 Designing
Effective Sequence
of ECHO Probes and In
Vitro Characterization
3.1.1 Design Probe
Target-dependent emission efficiency of ECHO probes can be
attenuated by (1) intramolecular interaction; (2) intermolecular
self-dimerization; (3) mismatching base pairs; and (4) tertiary
structures of target RNA [21]. Additional considerations are
taken to avoid nonspecific detection by (1) sequence-homology
search against genome sequence of the target species (e.g., mm9)
to guarantee single identity of detection sequence; (2) avoid func-
tional structures of the RNA to be detected and select single-
stranded region predicted by popular RNA structure prediction
programs (e.g., M-fold, RNA-fold, Fig.1a).
- Intramolecular and intermolecular interaction within the probe
sequences can be predicted using NABiT software [21]; Probe
sequences with maximal scores of 100 are usually chosen for
synthesis. - Unique target identity with 100% complementarity can be
confirmed by BLAST search against the RefSeq database.
3.1.2 Kinetic
Measurement Using
Stopped Flow Assay
Probe characterization in vitro, including kinetics analysis and
on–off ratio measurement, is used to predict how well a probe
may work in vivo.
- Kinetic measurements are carried out at room temperature
using a stopped-flow spectrafluorometer equipped with dual
photomultiplier tubes. Excitation 500 nm, filter set 520/
35 nm (Fig.1b). - 50 nM probes and 0.35, 0.7, 1.4, or 2.8μM target RNA/DNA
are dissolved separately in PBS, and mixed by firing the injec-
tion piston with simultaneous collection of fluorescence inten-
sity as a function of time with millisecond resolution. - At least six experiments are performed and the average fluores-
cence intensity value is plotted against time. - Activation time is the time required for the probe fluorescence
to reach half maximal intensity (t1/2) (Fig.1b). - Kinetics of hybridization-dependent fluorescence activation is
fitted toy¼ceKx+A;y: fluorescence intensity;x: lapsed time
Nuclear RNP Dynamics in Mammalian Tissue 263