RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

4 Notes

  1. The interaction of TO also adds thermal stability to the probe:
    DNA/RNA duplex, indicated by a 7–9C increase inTmfor
    13 nt probes.

  2. The needle is reusable. For conducting multiple experiments,
    rinse with 70% ethanol and H 2 O whenever changing sample
    solution and at the beginning and the end of experiments.

  3. Tools can be sterilized by autoclave or alternatives.

  4. Fresh ice should be used and frequently changed during the
    experiment. Slushy ice can result in lower reviving rate, possibly
    due to better heat transfer efficiency.

  5. We use a marker pen to mark 1 mm from the tip of the injection
    needle for depth indication.

  6. The fast green dye should not spread too fast and too far into
    the neighboring area. Oligonucleotide probe solution may
    spread faster than plasmid solution because of lower viscosity.

  7. Bleeding should be avoided but it happens during the proce-
    dure. We use a piece of Kimwipes to get rid of blood or any
    excessive liquid from the animal’s head before proceeding with
    the surgery.

  8. A twitch of muscle on the head is normally observed due to the
    passing current. The twitching itself is harmless but it causes
    repositioning of the injecting needle and further damage to the
    brain tissue. We try to avoid such damage by retracting the
    needle/anode electrode to the surface of the skin immediately
    after electroporation.

  9. Electroporated ECHO probes automatically accumulate in the
    nucleus. This phenomenon has been observed for in cultured
    cells and for other short linear oligonucleotide probes.


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270 Dan Ohtan Wang

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