RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

  1. Place the virus-containing mixture to U2OS cells for infection.

  2. After 4 h of infection, remove the medium and replace it with
    fresh D-MEM containing 10% FBS.

  3. Culture the infected U2OS cells in DMEM containing 10%

3.2.2 Preparation of the
Observed Cell Sample
Expressing iRFP-TRF1,
hnRNPA1-SNAPf, and the

  1. Culture the infected U2OS cells in DMEM containing 10%
    FBS on glass-bottomed dishes.

  2. Introduce plasmids of hnRNPA1-SNAPf/pcDNA3.1(+) and
    NLS-GN-mPUMt-GC/pcDNA3.1(+) into the cells using
    Lipofectamine LTX™according to the manufacturer’s proto-
    col (seeNote3).

  3. Incubate the cells for 4–6 h.

  4. Incubate the cells with 0.1μM SNAP-TMR for 30 min in a
    CO 2 incubator to stain hnRNPA1-SNAPf.

  5. Wash the cells with DMEM containing 10% FBS to eliminate
    unbound SNAP-TMR.

  6. Replace the cell cultivation medium with imaging medium.

  7. Place the sample onto the microscope stage after setting the
    microscope for observations.

3.3 Microscopy

3.3.1 Construction and
Tuning of the Microscope

  1. Place optical components as Fig.3 shows *.

  2. Modulate the diaphragms’ height to make their centers identi-
    cal to that of optical port of the microscope (H¼193.5 mm for
    an Olympus IX 81; Olympus Optical Inc.).

Fig. 2Schematic of the principle of the present TERRA probe: (A) illustration of the probe, which consists of an
N-terminal EGFP fragment (GN); a PUM-HD mutant mPUMt that is modified to recognize an RNA of a
UUAGGGUU sequence, and a C-terminal EGFP fragment; (B) mechanism of the probe function to label
TERRA selectively (Reproduced from [12] with permission from Nature Publishing Group)

Spatiotemporal Imaging of Single Telomeric-Repeat Containing RNA 343
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