RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

4 Notes

  1. Thaw buffer solutions and media required for cell culture in the
    water bath (37C) containing autoclave water prior to use in
    cell culture experiments. Sterilize the bottles and Falcons by
    wiping with 70% ethanol, and then transfer them into the
    culture hood. Always open the reagents and media inside the
    cell culture hood only.

  2. See manufacturer’s instruction for thawing FBS. We usually
    thaw the frozen stock of the heat inactivated FBS in +4C
    fridge and complete the thawing process at room temperature.
    FBS should be mixed few times during the thawing process by
    gently swirling the bottle. Aliquot 30–40 mL and store in deep
    freezer. Working aliquot of FBS can be also stored at 4C.
    Avoid vigorous shaking while handling FBS as it is susceptible
    to frothing.

  3. The following RNA labeling protocol has been developed
    using HeLa cells with an optimized AMUTP concentration of
    1 mM and transfection time of 1 h. However, we have per-
    formed experiments to test a range of AMUTP concentrations
    (50μM–4.0 mM) and transfection time (15 min–3 h) to deter-
    mine the best labeling condition in HeLa cells. Apparently,
    longer incubation times (3 h) and concentrations of
    AMUTP2 mM resulted in detectable reduction in cellular
    RNA staining. In our experiments, DOTAP served as a signifi-
    cantly better transfecting agent for AMUTP as compared to
    Lipofectamine. Although this protocol will also work for other
    cell lines, it is recommended that the concentration of AMUTP
    and transfection time should be optimized for each of the cell

  4. Detergents are main constituents of Triton X-100 and exces-
    sive shaking will lead to frothing. Therefore, handle Triton X-
    100 carefully to avoid cross contamination during processing

  5. In order to confirm the specific incorporation of AMUTP into
    cellular RNA, we treat the cells with actinomycin D (RNA
    polymerase inhibitor). Essentially, the described procedure
    can be adopted wherein actinomycin D (final concentration
    2 μM, 600μL) prepared in Opti-MEM is added before trans-
    fecting AMUTP. The cells are incubated in CO 2 incubator at
    37 C for 5 h. Remove 150μL of actinomycin D solution and
    add freshly prepared 150μL of transfection mix and incubate
    for 1 h. Perform the fixation, permeabilization, and click stain-
    ing reaction as mentioned in Subheading3.2.

  6. Thaw the vials at RT and spin it well prior to use. Store the
    stocks of fluorescent dyes in deep freezer (20 or 40 C) and

Imaging Newly Transcribed RNA in Cells 369
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