RNA Detection

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  1. Add 1μL of 10 mM dNTPs and 0.5μL of 0.5 pmol/μLRT#
    primer to each sample (seeNote 20).

  2. Denature RNA using the following thermocycler program:

(a) 70 C 5 min
(b) 25 C Forever

  1. Add 13μL of freshly prepared reverse transcription mix to each
    sample and mix by pipetting. Carry out reverse transcription
    using the following settings:

(a) 25 C 5 min
(b) 42 C 20 min
(c) 50 C 40 min
(d) 80 C 5 min
(e) 4 C Forever

  1. Add 1.65μL of 1 M NaOH to each sample and incubate at
    98 C for 20 min in order to cause alkaline hydrolysis of RNA
    that can interfere with the CircLigase reaction.

  2. Neutralize samples by adding 20μL of HEPES pH 7.3.
    Optional: At this stage samples to be multiplexed can be
    combined to reduce the number of samples to work with. It
    is recommended that negative controls are kept separate
    from working samples.

  3. Add 350μL TE buffer, 0.75μL GlycoBlue, and 40μL3
    sodium acetate pH 5.5, and mix. Add 1 mL of ice-cold 100%
    ethanol, mix again, then precipitate overnight at 20 C.

3.9 cDNA
Purification and Size

  1. Spin samples for 20 min at 4C and>18,000g.

  2. Remove supernatant leaving ~50μL around blue pellet. Add
    1 mL of ice-cold 80% ethanol (do not re-suspend) and spin
    samples for additional 10 min at 4C and>18,000g.

  3. Carefully remove all supernatant. Use a P10 pipette tip for last
    fewμL of supernatant around pellet.

  4. Air-dry pellet at room temperature for 5 min with lid opened.

  5. Resuspend pellet in 12μLof1TBE-UREA loading buffer
    prepared using nuclease free water. Also add 6μLof2TBE-
    UREA loading buffer to 6μL of a 1:30 dilution of low molec-
    ular weight marker.

  6. Heat samples for 80C for 5 min directly before gel loading.

442 Christopher R. Sibley

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