- 254 nm and 365 nm emission UV bulbs (e.g., Agilent
Technologies). - Gel imager (e.g., Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR+).
- 300 nm blue light transilluminator (e.g., Clare Chemical
Research Dark Reader). - qPCR machine capable of removal of individual samples amid
reaction (e.g., Stratagene Mx3005p). - 1.5 mL siliconized microcentrifuge tubes (e.g., MidSci).
- 0.5 mL 10 kDa cutoff Centrifugal Filter Unit (e.g., Millipore
Amicon Ultra-0.5 10 k). - Centrifuge tube filters, 0.45μm (e.g., Sigma-Aldrich Corning
Costar Spin-X). - DNA purification columns (e.g., Zymo Research, DNA Clean
& Concentrator-5 columns). - RNA purification columns (e.g., Zymo Research, RNA Clean
& Concentrator-5 columns). - Magnetic Eppendorf-tube stand (e.g., Thermo Fisher
2.5 Software 1. Java, Perl, and Python interpreters.
- Trimmomatic [22].
- icSHAPE pipeline (https://github.com/qczhang/icSHAPE).
- fastQC (http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/
fastqc/). - STAR [23].
- SAMtools [24].
- samPairingCalling.pl (https://github.com/qczhang/paris).
- mfold [25].
- sam2ngmin.py (https://github.com/zhipenglu/).
- IGV genome browser [26].
- maf_extract_ranges_indexed.py (bxpython package,https://
github.com/bxlab/bx-python). - RNAalifold [27].
- SISSIz [28].
- Alternativestructure.py (https://github.com/zhipenglu/
duplex). - RNAcofold (from the Vienna RNA package).
PARIS: Psoralen Analysis of RNA Interactions and Structures 65