Astronomy - USA (2022-06)

(Maropa) #1


of the Milky Way — can be found by
this technique, specifically via a form
known as microlensing, because the
changes are small. What’s more, the
amount the star brightens tells us about
the mass of the planet and several of
those detected have masses
comparable to Earth.

Picture perfect
It’s clear we can
learn a lot from
these indirect
methods of planet
detection. Indeed,
for most systems
we have no choice
but to rely on these
techniques, where we
learn about the plan-
ets by studying stars. It
is, though, undoubtedly true
that direct imaging — seeing the planets
themselves — can tell us much more. The
problem isn’t so much that the planets
are intrinsically faint — especially after
formation, when they are still being heat-
ed by their gravitational contraction, they
will shine brightly — but that the glare of
light from the star makes them very dif-
ficult to detect.
The solution is to use an instrument
called a coronagraph to block the light
from the star. By placing an obstruction
in the field of view, and through some
very careful use of image processing algo-
rithms, planets can be revealed. It is easier
to see companions which are further from

the star, and direct imaging has been used
to find worlds tens or even hundreds of
astronomical units from their star.
(One astronomical unit is the average
Earth-Sun distance.) There are only 50
or so planets which have been directly
imaged, each of them extremely
precious. They tend to be
young, and massive —
many are nearly large
enough to be stars.
Comparing each
of these exoplanet
systems to our own
raises many ques-
tions. Why are the
worlds of the solar
system on nearly cir-
cular orbits? Why don’t
we have a super-Earth?
Why did Jupiter remain
where it was, rather than plow-
ing through the inner solar system and
becoming a hot Jupiter? Today, scientists
look at the origins of our own solar sys-
tem in the light of these new discoveries,
learning more about our own home now
that we’ve looked outward at the stars.

close — its eccentricity is 0.016, so the

difference in length between the longest

and shortest axes is not much more than

1 percent. A third of exoplanets have

eccentricities greater than 0.1, an order

of magnitude larger. This fact is a clue

that life in a forming solar system may

be even more complicated than we had

suspected until now.

We know that planets can move

through the protoplanetary disk, usually

by interacting with the material in the

disk itself. These large eccentricities were

caused by more dramatic interactions

between planets — so the fact that the

planets of our solar system have largely

circular orbits tells us it must have been

an unusually calm place when they were


Even more extreme interactions are

possible. When two large bodies come

close together, their spheres of gravita-

tional inf luence overlap. Anything

caught between them will become

dynamically excited — in other words,

once-stable orbits will be disrupted, and

material can be expelled from the system.

It’s even possible for one of the planets to

be expelled, spinning off into space.

Some interstellar wanderers have even

been detected, thanks to a technique

called gravitational lensing, originally

developed for looking at distant galaxies.

If a planet passes between us and a dis-

tant star, it acts as an otherwise unde-

tected lens, bending and amplifying the

star’s light and revealing its presence.

Distant planets — even on the other side

TOI-421 b GJ 1214 b


It turns out
that the most

common type of planet

in the Milky Way is one
that does not exist in our

own solar system, with a

radius between that

of Earth and

Brian May is best known as the lead
guitarist for Queen and holds a Ph.D.
in astrophysics. Patrick Moore was a
beloved astronomer and presenter of the
BBC’s The Sky at Night. Chris Lintott is
an astrophysicist, author, and broadcaster
at the University of Oxford. Hannah
Wakeford is a lecturer in astrophysics
at the University of Bristol.
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