17.Which do you think would contribute more
toward reducing ozone depletion: slowing
population growth or changing consumption
patterns? Explain your answer.
18.What shifts in survivorship curves might you
expect to see if:
(a)environmental problems worsen and
pollution-related diseases increase?
(b)cutbacks to prenatal and infant care are
19.What do you think is the difference between
the preservationof a natural resource and its
20.Do research and prepare a short summary of
the findings and conclusions of the Earth
Summit. Other United Nations sponsored
meetings have occurred since 1992 to address
the issues raised at the Earth Summit. Has
progress been made since then?
21.In the early 1970s, British scientist James
Lovelock formulated the Gaia hypothesis. What
is the Gaia hypothesis and what are its major
strengths and weaknesses?
22.During the Green Revolution, many crop plants
in less developed nations were replaced by
high yield crop varieties exported from more
developed nations. Although this had benefits,
it also incurred costs. What are some of these
costs? What effect might this have had on the
biodiversity in the less industrialized nations,
and why would this matter? What other costs
might have been incurred by these crops?
23.Find out if Canada is involved in helping
Bangladesh solve its flooding problems. If so,
what is Canada doing? Evaluate whatever
activities are being conducted in terms of what
you feel their success rate might be. Consider
whether these activities are dealing with the
roots of the problem (for example, deforestation
in India) or just the symptoms. A good place to
start your search might be the web site of the
Canadian International Development Agency
(CIDA) or the International Development
Research Council (IRDC), another Canadian
organization that works on development issues
in less industrialized nations. If you do not
have access to the Internet, both of these
organizations publish many reports on their
activities. These reports can be obtained by
writing or phoning their head offices.
24.Is deforestation a problem in Canada? in
Ontario? Do you think Canada should be
investing money in helping other countries
with this problem before it is solved here?
Explain your answer.
Chapter 15 Human Ecology • MHR 537
13.Although China contains only about seven
percent of Earth’s arable land, its population
was approximately 1.25 billion in 2001 —
roughly 20 percent of the total human
population. Early in the 1970s, the Chinese
government realized that the growth rate of
their country’s population was unsustainable
and took measures to reduce it. They instituted
a policy that limited the vast majority of
families to only one child — and strictly
enforced it. Although the country has not yet
stopped growing because of its momentum for
growth, its fertility rate has actually been
below replacement level for over a decade.
What do you think are the benefits and
drawbacks of the one-child policy? Have
groups in your class take opposing sides and
debate this topic. Be sure to consider all sides
of the issue, including moral, ethical, and
practical aspects.
14.Complete a T-chart or Venn diagram
contrasting renewable and non-renewable
natural resources. Make sure your chart
addresses both similarities and differences,
and give examples for each point.
15.Produce a poster or pamphlet that would help
to educate the public about an environmental
problem of your choice. You should briefly
describe the effects of the problem and
describe the steps that an individual or family
could take to reduce the problem.
16.Imagine that a local industry has just closed
and many people in your city are out of work.
Another industry is interested in building a
factory in your town, but it might create a
considerable amount of air pollution. There
will be a town meeting in which citizens can
meet with representatives of the company and
discuss the pros and cons of letting this
industry set up shop in the area. Prepare a list
of questions you want to ask and points you
might make at the meeting.