Pesticides A Toxic Time Bomb in Our Midst

(Dana P.) #1

Endrin, 165
Environment: fate of pesticides in, 7
Environmental Council of the States
(ECOS), 41
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
3; establishment of safe reference
doses, 80–81; financial problems,
42–43; quality of enforcement and
compliance data, 40–41; required
toxicity tests, 82–83; weakening of
protection standards, 55–56; Worker
Protection Standard (WPS), 30–31
Exports: arguments pro and con, 230–31;
pesticides, 220
Exposure history: daily pesticides in diet,
85, 86–87t; monitoring of, 43;
numbers in developing countries,
223; pesticide applicators, 241–42; in
pesticide illness, 38–39
Extension agents: perceptions toward
farmworker pesticide exposure, 49

Family: exposure risk of pesticide
applicators, 49–50; farm exposure to
pesticides, 50
Farmworkers: adolescent Latino knowledge
and risk perception, 51–52; exposure
risk of families of applicators, 49–50;
Latino pesticide exposure perceptions
and beliefs, 50–51; perception of
growers toward pesticide exposure,
49; pesticide effects, 26–27; pesticides
in homes, 160–61; workers’ so-called
right to know, 37; working to reduce
pesticide risks, 55
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(FFDCA), 70
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 8, 10, 11,
35; data reporting, 39–40; FQPA
amendment, 1996, 70; international
trade in pesticides, 219

Federal pesticide regulation, 14–15
Fertilizer-pesticide combinations, 175–76
Fluoroacetamide, 225
Food: regulation of pesticides in, 65–66;
residues in, 17–18; safety, 65
Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), 219
Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
(FQPA), 18, 70–71; Channels-of-
Trade policy, 94; definition of safety,
80; implementation, 73–75;
mandates, 72–73; pesticide standards
before passage of, 70; revising
tolerance-setting criteria (Delaney
clause), 71–72
Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS):
U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA), 65–66
Fresco County incident, 34–35
Frontlineinterview: pesticide manufacturer,
Fruits and vegetables: least contaminated,
84; pesticide scores, 83–84
Fumigants: soil, 212–13
Fungicides, 2

General Accounting Office (GAO):
pesticide study, 11–12
Glyphosate, 173; use on school grounds,
Gotreaux v. Gary:liability for spray drift,
GranTek, Inc., 36–37
Groundwater: protection, 205; types of
pollution, 206
Growers: New York State, 52–54;
perceptions toward farmworker
pesticide exposure, 49

Hazard Communication Standard (HCS):
OSHA, 37
Hazardous waste: the complete circle,
36–37; from pesticides, 36
HCH, 226

Index | 251
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