Imaging in Stem Cell Transplant and Cell-based Therapy

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


amounts to 0.5–1% per year [ 5 ]. MM is a very heterogeneous malignant disorder
with refractory and relapsing course of disease that can be classified as low and
high­risk [ 6 ]. High­risk MM is characterized by presence of extramedullary disease,
larger than 20% plasma cell in peripheral blood (plasma cell leukemia), unfavorable
genetic alterations (deletion 17p, deletion 1p, gain 1q21, t(14;20), t(14;16)), and
poor clinical outcome and overall survival (OS) [ 6 – 8 ].
The introduction of high­dose (HD) chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow
transplantation (ABMT) 30 years ago has revolutionized the treatment of patients
with MM [ 9 ]. It is general consensus among myeloma experts that HD­chemotherapy
and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is the backbone for treatment in
newly diagnosed MM patients [ 10 ]. However, in the era of novel, potent anti­
myeloma agents the role of ASCT needs to be redefined. The treatment landscape
has dramatically changed in recent years with the introduction of highly effective

MGUS Multiple Myeloma

Serum M-protein ≥3.0 g/dL
Urine M-protein ≥500 mg/24h
Clonal plasma cells in bone marrow: 10–

Absence of myeloma defining events or

Clonal plasma cell in bone marrow: ≥10%
Biopsy-proven bony
or extramedullary plasmocytoma

≥1 Myeloma defining events:

  • Hypercalcemia: serum calcium >1 mg/dL
    higher than the upper limit of normal or

    11 mg/dL

  • Renal insufficiency: creatinine clearance
    <40 mL/min or serum creatinine >2 mg/dL

  • Anemia: Hemoglobin >2 g/dL below the
    lower limit of normal range, or hemoglobin
    <10 g/dL

  • Bone lesions: ≥1 osteolytic lesion(s) on
    skeletal radiography, CT, or PET-CT
    ≥1 New myeloma defining biomarkers:

  • Clonal plasma cell in bone marrow: ≥60%

  • Involved : uninvolved serum free light
    chain ratio ≥100

  • 1 focal lesions on MRI studies

Serum M-protein <3.0 g/dL

Clonal plasma cells in bone marrow: <10%

Absence of myeloma defining events or

Smoldering Myeloma

No treatment

Fig. 5.1. Diagnostic criteria for multiple myeloma, smoldering myeloma and monoclonal gam­
mopathy of undetermined significance

S. Thanendrarajan and T.K. Garg
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