On Biomimetics by Lilyana Pramatarova

(lily) #1

128 On Biomimetics

Fig. 14. Plots of values of the estimative indexes of 8 selected configurations.

It is certain that the selected configuration No.2-29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 41 resulted in a larger NRA,
and configuration No.2-59, 60 made a larger NEFAA. Considering the NRA, NEFAA and Q 3 (C),
Q 3 (Cf), Q 3 (Cm) together, among the RA-favoured configuration, No.2-29, among the EFAA-
favoured, No.2-59 are the optimal configurations.

  1. Discussion

Optimal configurations were selected, using the estimative indexes proposed. How the
selected configurations meet the requirements of the shoulder prostheses for daily living is

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