On Biomimetics by Lilyana Pramatarova

(lily) #1

On Biomimetics

Fig. 7. Low Loss BSE imaging of cross section of PPHMDS layer.

Fig. 8. Low loss BSE imaging of cross section of 6-DND/PPHMDS layer.

In Fig. 7, the image of PPHMDS grown on Si cross section is presented. The contrast,
between Si substrate and the polymer layer with a thickness of 323.2 nm, is clearly
displayed. On the base of the QCM (section 2.1.) and SEM measurements, the densityof
PPHMD layer was calculated to be in a range of 1.66 – 1.68 g/cm^3. In the next Fig. 8, the
image of 6-DND/PPHMD grown on Si is presented. The sp^3 carbons appear as sphere-like
bright spots with different size (5-20 nm). The layer thickness is 240 nm and the densityis
calculated to be 2.05 g/cm^3. The images of Si-DND/PPHMDS are presented in Fig. 9-a, and
-b. As it is seen, Si-DND particles with sphere-like morphology of about 200 nm in size as
well as very well defined triangle particle with (111) orientation are distinguished that
corresponded to the HRTEM results (section 3.2.1.).

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