Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


  1. Measure protein absorbance at 280 nm ( A 280 ) using a spectro-
    photometer and use this and the extinction coeffi cient
    (M −1 cm −1 ) ( see Note 16 ) to calculate the approximate protein

  2. Concentrate the protein to around 7 mg/mL using a centrifu-
    gal concentrator. The protein can be stored at 4 °C but for
    best results it should be used immediately after purifi cation
    ( see Note 17 ).

  3. Prior to crystallization, centrifuge the sample at 12,000 × g for
    5 min in a benchtop centrifuge to remove any precipitates.

  4. Pipette 500 μL of the Crystallization Solution into the reser-
    voir of a 24-well sitting drop plate.

  5. Without crystallization seeds: Pipette 3 μL of the purifi ed pro-
    tein into the crystallization well, followed by 3 μL of the res-
    ervoir solution.

  6. With crystallization seeds: Pipette 3 μL of the purifi ed protein
    into the crystallization well, followed by 1 μL of the seed stock
    and 2 μL of the reservoir solution.

  7. Seal the tray and place at 4 °C for around 3 weeks after which
    time they can be moved to ~21 °C for storage and crystal

  8. Check trays weekly for crystals.

  9. Pipette 50 μL of the Crystallization Solution into a microcen-
    trifuge tube ( see Note 18 ).

  10. Collect crystals from a crystallization drop using an appropri-
    ately sized cryoloop.

  11. Place the cryoloop into the solution and shake it to displace
    the crystals into the solution.

  12. After crystal collection, transfer the entire solution into a micro-
    centrifuge tube containing a seed bead and vortex for 90 s.

  13. Add a further 450 μL of the Crystallization Solution and vor-
    tex for a further 90 s.

  14. Prepare fi ve serial dilutions of this stock solution using the
    Crystallization Solution e.g., 1:2, 1:10, 1:100, 1:500, 1:1,000
    and store seeds in small aliquots at −80 °C or −20 °C.

  15. Set up crystallization trays varying the seed stocks and moni-
    tor the results.

  16. Open the crystallization well containing the crystals and
    pipette 4 μL of the reservoir solution onto a glass coverslip.

  17. Add 1 μL of 100 % MPD and mix by pipetting gently up and down
    (this results in the cryo-solution, which contains 20 % MPD)

  18. Collect a single crystal from the crystal tray using an appropri-
    ately sized cryoloop and transfer to the cryo-solution.

3.4.1 Crystallization
of Inactive TbMCA2 C213A

3.4.2 Preparation
of Seed Stocks

3.4.3 Cryoprotection
of TbMCA2 C213A Crystals

Karen McLuskey et al.
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