Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


4 Notes

  1. Black plates are designed to reduce well-to-well cross talk and
    background for fluorescence assays, whereas white plates are
    designed to reduce well-to-well cross talk and background for
    luminescence assays. White plates show higher fluorescence
    background and amplify the fluorescence signal. Thus, more
    accurate data can be obtained using black plates.

  2. Stock solutions of peptidic substrates are prepared at 20 mM
    to limit the final concentration of DMSO in enzymatic assays.
    DMSO above 3 % can alter the catalytic activity of caspases. See
    Subheading for the preparation of Afc substrate

  3. Protease inhibitors can be added fresh to the lysis solution.
    However, it is important that none of them affects the caspase
    activity; thus, all-in-one tablets are not recommended. General
    non-caspase protease inhibitors one can use are: 1,10-ortho-
    phenanthroline (1 mM), 1 mM EDTA (already in the execu-
    tioner caspase buffer), E-64 (10 μM), leupeptin (10 μM),
    3,4-dichloroisocoumarin (10 μM), and MG-132 (1 μM).

  4. The purity of the imidazole is very important. It must have a
    low absorbance at 280 nm. Imidazole meeting ACS specifica-
    tions is not suitable and will produce significant background
    absorbance. The reagent needs to have 0.005 % β-NADH
    equivalent as a fluorescence blank (e.g., Sigma cat. no. I-0250).
    Some lower-grade imidazole alters the caspase activity.

  5. The pET vectors are either ampicillin- (pET-15b/23b(+)) or
    kanamycin- (pET-28b(+)) resistant, whereas the pLysS plasmid
    confers resistance to chloramphenicol. Always use a freshly
    transformed colony (1–2 days) to initiate the culture. Do not
    keep cDNA in BL21 strains because of potential stability issues.

  6. Sufficient yields of most caspases are obtained from BL21(DE3)
    pLysS bacteria grown in rich medium such as 2× TY. However,
    higher yields can be obtained using a richer medium (supple-
    mented with 5 % glycerol or 2 % glucose) or a buffered medium
    (Terrific Broth/TB medium). Those media generally result in
    higher bacterial density, thus increasing yields. However, 2× TY
    is much simpler to prepare and can be fully sterilized by auto-
    claving. It is recommended to use baffled flasks instead of regu-
    lar flasks because the former provide better aeration and can be
    filled up to half the volume. Pre-heat the bacterial medium at
    37 °C before starting your expression culture. This step ensures
    that the optimal bacterial density is reached more quickly.

  7. Not all caspases express well under these conditions. For
    instance, more incubation time must be allowed for caspase-6

Dave Boucher et al.
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