
(backadmin) #1

When a north pole of bar
magnet is moved away
from the coil, the current
induced in the coil will be
in clockwise direction as
shown in the gure.
When a current carrying coil is moved towards a
stationary coil, the direction of current induced in
stationary coil is as shown in gure.


When a current carrying coil is moved away from a
stationary coil, the direction of current induced in
stationary coil is as shown in gure.


When two coils A and B are arranged as shown in gure,
then on pressing K, current in A increases in clockwise
direction. erefore, induced current in B will be in
anticlockwise direction.




However, when key K is released, current in A decreases
in clockwise direction. erefore, induced current in B
will be in clockwise direction.
When current in a straight conductor AB is increased,
induced current in loop will be in clockwise direction
as shown in the gure. If current in AB is decreasing,
the induced current in the loop will be in anticlockwise




If a conductor is moving with velocity v in a magnetic
eld, electrons inside it experience a force

  



and accumulate at the end of the conductor. Very soon,
an electric eld is established. Eventually component of
magnetic force along the conductor length is balanced
by the electric eld force and the driing of electorns
stops and an emf is established.
Now, ε=−⋅=×∫∫ ⋅

    

is is general expression for induced emf in a conducting
wire. If 

vB, and

lare mutually perpendicular to each
other then, H = Bvl.
Motional emf in Loop
If a conducting rod moves on two parallel conducting
rails then an emf is induced whose magnitude is
|H| = Blv and direction is given by Fleming’s right hand

rule. Inducedcurrent||









Rotational emf
If a conducting rod of length l rotates about an axis
passing through one of its ends (that end may be xed)
with an angular velocity Z in a plane perpendicular
to the magnetic eld

B. en an induced emf is set
up between ends of rod whose magnitude is given by





Eddy Currents
e current induced in bulk pieces of conductors when
the magnetic ux linked with the conductor changes
are known as Eddy currents.


An electric current can be induced in a coil by ux
change produced by another coil in its vicinity or ux
change produced by the same coil. e ux through a
coil is proportional to the current i.e. φ v I
For a closely wound coil of N turns, Nφ v I

or φ=



where L is the constant of proportionality called
inductance. SI unit of inductance is Tm^2 A–1 or
henry (H) and its dimensional formula is [ML^2 T–2A–2].

Self Inductance
Whenever the current passing through a coil or circuit
changes, the magnetic ux linked with it will also
change. As a result of this, an emf is induced in the coil
or the circuit which opposes the change that causes it.
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