Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

260 | Martin Buber’s Theopolitics

dawning. This new alternative is of such dramatic tension that it divides believ-
ers and unbelievers into children of light and children of darkness.”^54 Far from
sapping the will to action, Taubes points out that apocalyptic determinism has
provided an intense motivating force.^55
Taubes’s criticisms of Buber are rooted in Scholem’s understanding of apoc-
alyptic messianism, which Taubes holds in highest regard: “[Whoever] under-
stands what Scholem presents in the eighth chapter of Major Trends in Jewish
Mysticism can penetrate more deeply into Paul’s messianic logic than by reading
the entire exegetical literature.”^56 The reference is to Scholem’s discussion of “Sab-
batianism and Mystical Heresy.”^57 Taubes criticizes the treatment of Paul in Jew-
ish studies in language reminiscent of Scholem’s earlier critique of Wissenschaft
des Judentums:

Now it happens that the Jewish study of Paul is in a very sad state. There is a lit-
erary corpus about Jesus, a nice guy, about the rabbi in Galilee, and about the
Sermon on the Mount; it’s all in the Talmud and so on... there is a consensus
in Liberal Judaism (not in Orthodox Judaism, which hasn’t moved an inch),
that is, a sort of pride in this son of Israel. But when it comes to Paul, that’s a
borderline that’s hard to cross.^58

After dismissing most Jewish books on Paul with contempt, Taubes admits one

The most important Jewish book on Paul, written deeply from the heart and as
an attack, is Martin Buber’s Two Types of Faith. This book deserves to be taken
seriously; it’s based on a thesis that I think is highly dubious but from which
I have learned a great deal.... Buber of course wants Jesus... on the positive
side (which is very hard to do, since he was more of an apocalyptic than a
prophet), and Paul belongs on the other.^59

However, it is not merely Buber’s prophetic-apocalyptic dichotomy per se to
which Taubes objects. He focuses, as most readers of Two Types of Faith have
done, on its eponymous thesis: there is a Jewish faith, emunah, a relationship of
trust in the God one happens to encounter, and a Greek faith, pistis, which one
adopts upon the recognition that some proposition or other is true. Buber holds
that Paul’s pistis is a philosophical faith whose Greek origin requires no discus-
sion. Taubes dissents: “Buber here misses the whole point of the thing, which is
that ‘faith in’ is by no means only Greek but is the center of a messianic logic.”^60 For
proof of this, however, Taubes does not philologically investigate the term pistis;
rather, he adduces a series of anecdotes about Sabbatianism.^61 These are meant to
show that “the internal logic of events demanded a faith that is paradoxical, that
is contradicted by the evidence.”^62 Shabbetai Zvi converted to Islam, Jesus died
on the cross; to believe in them anyway becomes an equivalent, in apocalyptic
faith, for all the commandments of the Law (“works”): “Now you understand
my corrective to Buber.... That Buber is a sensitive and a great figure—we don’t

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