The Routledge Handbook of Consciousness

(vip2019) #1
Aaronson, Scott 146–7
Abelson, R. 411
access consciousness 3, 249, 369, 380, 436, 451
action: consciousness after 305–6; consciousness
before 298–300; consciousness during 300–3;
sense of agency 303–5
active information 227; wave function 223–6
adaptation, conscious events 132
adaptationism, phenomenal consciousness 382–4
adaptive resonance 129
Advaita theory of consciousness 100–2
aesthetic consciousness 301–2
Agency 466–7
agential states 466
agnosia 342
AIR (Attended Intermediate Representation)
162, 171–2; appraisal of 168–71; consciousness
in neural processing 162–5; IRs (intermediate
representations) 165–8
akinetopsia 342
Albahari, Miri 441–3
alienated self-consciousness 341
Allport, A. 248
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 450
amnesia 338; dream amnesia 422
amodal agent models 427
amodal binding versus modal binding 329–30
amodal completion 327
amodal integration 323, 330; sound-color
synesthesia 333
amodal self-models 427
amodal sensory experience versus modal
multisensory experiences 323–9
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 450
analogical arguments, animal consciousness 391–2
analogy to the body schema, AST (Attention
Schema Theory) 179

analysis question 366; unity of consciousness
anaphora 324
Ancient Greek, conceptions of consciousness 26–7
animal consciousness 388–98
animal pain 397–8
Animal Science 398
animal sensations 390
animalism 16–17
ANNs (artificial neural networks) 412, 417
anosognosia 339–40
anterograde amnesia 338
anti-reflexivity principle 94
anti-social personality disorder 344
Anton’s syndrome 340
any-to-many signaling 129–30
apparent memory 291
apperception 30
apperceptive agnosia 164, 342
Apple, SIRI 122
appraisal of AIR (Attended Intermediate
Representation) 168–71
Arico, A. 465, 468–9
Aristotle 26–8
Armstrong, David 42, 115
Arplay, Nomy 79, 80
artificial brains 410
artificial neural networks (ANNs) 412, 417
ascending reticular activating system 450
aspectual shape 261, 264
assessing consciousness 452–3
associative agnosia 342
associator synesthesia 331
AST (Attention Schema Theory) 5, 174–85
atomism 290, 372
Attended Intermediate Representation see AIR
(Attended Intermediate Representation)


Index Index

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