Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters

(Darren Dugan) #1

138 / Notes to Pages 93–96

  1. For concise histories of the industrial production of rodents, see
    Rader, Making Mice, chaps. 1–3; “Staats, “Laboratory Mouse.” For lists of the
    many strains of rodents available for sale, see the home pages of Jackson Lab-
    oratories (, Charles River Labs (http://www., and Taconic Farms (

  2. On the standardization of animals for laboratory research, see
    Arluke, “We Build a Better Beagle”; Birke, “Who—or What—Are the Rats?”;
    Birke, Arluke, and Michael, Sacrifi ce, esp. chap. 1; Logan, “Before There Were

  3. Birke, Arluke, and Michael, Sacrifi ce, 27; Maher, “Test Tubes with

  4. Logan, “Before There Were Standards,” 355.

  5. LaFollette and Shanks, Brute Science, 19.

  6. See ibid., esp. chap. 4, for a thorough discussion of causal analogical
    models. On the adoption of animal models of human behavior in psychology,
    see Shapiro, “Rodent for Your Thoughts.”

  7. LaFollette and Shanks, Brute Science, 63.

  8. For discussions of the culture of science and the training of scien-
    tists, see Birke, Arluke, and Michael, Sacrifi ce, esp. chap 2. See also Latour and
    Woolga r, Laboratory Life, chaps. 1–2; Knorr-Cetina, Epistemic Cultures, chaps.
    1, 2, 9.

  9. American Medical Association, Statement on the Use of Animals in
    Biomedical Research; Sigma Xi, “Sigma Xi Statement of the Use of Animals in

  10. For justifi cations of the use of animals in research, see LaFollette and
    Shanks, Brute Science, esp. chap. 1; Arluke, “Ethical Socialization of Animal

  11. Phinizy, “Lost Pets That Stray to the Lab.”

  12. Wayman, “Concentration Camps for Lost and Stolen Pets.”

  13. Public Law 89-544, 80 Stat. 352 (1966), sec. 13, http://www.nal. The government agency responsible for
    enforcing the Animal Welfare Act is the Animal Care Program of the Ani-
    mal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of

  14. Public Law 91-579, Animal Welfare Act of 1970, 91st Cong., H.R.
    19846, December 24, 1970, http://w w legislat/pl91579.
    htm. For a discussion of the injustice of excluding mice and rats, while includ-
    ing gerbils and guinea pigs, see Orlans, “Injustice of Excluding Laboratory
    Rats, Mice, and Birds.”

  15. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Ser-
    vice, 9 CFR Parts 2 and 3 [Docket No. 98–106–4], Summary, http://www.nal.

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