Confronting Economic and Social Realities, 1980–1999 165
Channelization of the Kissimmee directly destroyed
40,000 acres of river marsh and allowed drainage of
more than 100,000 acres of associated wetlands. A
once-serpentine river of pristine quality has become
a discharge canal into Lake Okeechobee.
B. Executive Order
Whereas, it is the policy of the State of Flor-
ida to protect and manage the unique Central and
Southern Florida natural resources of the Kissim-
mee River—Lake Okeechobee—Everglades ecosys-
tems, in order to enhance existing ecological, recrea-
tional, scientific, economic, water supply, and flood
control values for present and future Floridians,
and WHEREAS, the future of both the systems of
man and nature in Southern Florida depend upon
the restoration and enhancement of the functioning
Kissimmee River—Lake Okeechobee—Everglades
ecosystems, and Whereas, the water resources and
ecological health of these systems are extremely
vulnerable to development and sensitive to manage-
ment activities, and
Whereas, in their natural condition, these
ecosystems perform critical water resource ser-
vices—and provide natural and free and renew-
able benefits—in terms of flood control, water
treatment, water storage and supply, and aquifer
recharge, and
Whereas, many species of Florida wildlife,
including endangered species, depend upon the
Kissimmee River—Lake Okeechobee—Ever-
glades ecosystem for habitat, and
Whereas, these ecosystems provide a unique
source of natural beauty, wilderness refuge, and
recreational enjoyment for millions of residents
and visitors, and
Whereas, much of the past utilization of
lands and waters within these ecosystems has been
destructive to ecologically sensitive resources, and
Whereas, certain federal, state and regional
and local activities, programs and management
policies have historically subsidized and encouraged
development within these ecosystems resulting in
significant destruction of wetlands and other valu-
able natural resources, and
Whereas, various federal, state, regional and
local agencies of government are presently involved
in a wide range of resource planning and manage-
ment activities aimed at the protection, restora-
tion and enhancement of the natural values of the
Kissimmee River—Lake Okeechobee—Everglades
Now, therefore, I, Bob Graham... do hereby
promulgate the following Executive Order effective
The Kissimmee River—Lake Okeechobee—
Everglades Coordinating Council (KOECC) is
hereby created.
* * *
The KOECC is created for the purpose of coor-
dination and promotion of restoration efforts in the
Kissimmee River—Lake Okeechobee—Everglades
ecosystems. The purpose shall encompass the fol-
lowing objectives... :
• Avoid further destruction or degradation of
these natural systems.
• Reestablish the ecological functions of these
natural systems in areas where these func-
tions have been damaged.
• Improve the overall management of water,
fish and wildlife and recreation.
• Successfully restore and preserve these unique
Source: A. Save Our Everglades, Issue Paper (Tallahassee:
Governor’s Office, August 9, 1983); B. Executive Order 83-178
(Tallahassee: Governor’s Office, November 1983).