334 The Environmental Debate
colonies: American, 14, 21; British, 21; transportation
within, 14
colonists, of wetlands, 20
Colorado Plateau, 109
“command-and-control” policies, 200
Committee on the Protection of North American
Bird, 62
Commoner, Barry, 139–40
commons: human access to, 129–30; resources, 306
Commonwealth, of Massachusetts, 33
community-supported agriculture groups (CSAs), 205
complete systems, 136
comprehensive approach, 234
Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (1980), 154
Conference on the Human Environment in
Stockholm, 144
Congress on Emission Reductions Costs, 184
conservation, 306; concept of, 106; effort, 69; ethic,
need for, 166–67; organizations, 87; programs, 146
Conservation Foundation (1947), 87, 102, 105
conservationist-minded land, 157
conservation-minded groups, 41
conservation movement, 82; changing landscape, 69;
federal conservation effort, 68–69; public health
and sanitation, 67–68
Consilience (Wilson), 166–67
Consumer Electronics Association, 214
Consumer Price Index, 182
consumption: attitude towards, 126; Diamond, Jared
on, 236–37; economic growth and, 161; levels, 112,
161 171; limitation, 105–6; oil, 237; policy toward,
111; popular and industrial, 105; and production,
126, 127; rates in China, 237; rationalization of,
112; in United States, 206
conventional methods, 210
Convention for the Prevention of the Pollution of the
Sea by Oil, 134
Cooper, James Fenimore, 23, 33–34
core problem, 261
corn: and beans, 10; and indigo, 20; land for, 18; and
pumkins, 20
Corn Belt fertilizer pollution, 278
corporate America, 238
corporate average fuel economy (CAFE), 135, 152
corporate policy, sustainable development and,
costs: externality, 246; pollution, 156; of producing
and disposing, 135; of WWS power, 246
cotton, and indigo, 20
Council on Environmental Quality, 133, 143
County administration, 138
Court of Appeals, 124, 236
“cowboy economy,” 126
Crist, Charlie, 164
crops: agricultural, 107, 130; Army Corps of
Engineers, 210; of corn and indigo, 20; destroying
insects, 102; food improvement, 207; genetic
modification of, 209; luxuriant, 93; management
productivity, 207; of north Africa, 97; plants,
119; production methods, 209; and property, 93;
protection, measure of, 23; regulations, 210, 211;
rich, 18; transgenic, 207, 208
Croton aqueduct, 38, 44
CRTs. See cathode ray tubes
crude-oil production, 110
CSAs. See community-supported agriculture groups
culmination: date of, 110–11; for petroleum and
natural gas, 111
cultivators, mass of, 24
cultural renaissance, 250
cumulative production, 110
Dam, Roosevelt, 68
Darwin, Charles, 39, 55–56
Davis, Rebecca Harding, 48
D.C.-based Foundation on Economic Trends, 201
Dead Zone, 278
debatable theory, 204
“Declaration of Interdependence,” 148–49
deep ecology, 161–62
Deepwater Horizon-BP, 253
“de-extinction”, 267–69
Defenders of Wildlife (1947), 87
Delaware River, 251
Delucchi, Mark A., 244–47
demand: for energy, 152; global energy, 259–61;
growth of, 105; supply and, 105; for Wilderness
Act, 112
Democrats and Republicans, 241
deoxyribonucleic acid, 217
Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant
Industry, 97
Department of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry
(1894), 84
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 135
desalination, 306
Descartes, René, 3, 15
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 39
destabilization, ecosystem, 116
Devall, Bill, 161