The Environmental Debate, Third Edition

(vip2019) #1

338 The Environmental Debate


habitat, 224, 307; conservation approach, 225;
ecosystem for, 165; for migratory birds and
mammals, 211, 253; North American, 201
Haeckel, Ernst, 39
Halcomb, Don, 264
Hamilton, Alice, 68
hammocky ground, 20
Hansen, James, 152, 173–77
Hansen, Jim, 257
harbor pollution, 14
Hardin, Garrett, 129
Harding, Warren, 86
Hariot, Thomas, 8–9
Harlan, H. V., 88, 97–98
Harrison, Benjamin, 68–69
Hatfield, Jerry, 263
Hawk, Black, 22, 35–36
hazard, environmental, 151
hazardous substances, 154, 155
hazardous waste, 172–73
health: environmental health, 117–18; hazards, 117;
and well-being, 117
heating, and transportation, 245
heat-trapping gases, 193
Heckler Report11, 173
Herber, Louis, 120
Heritage Foundation, 158
Hetch Hetchy Valley, 69, 77–79
HFCs. See hydrofluorocarbons
Hobbes, Thomas, 3, 13–15
Holdren, John P., 189
Holland, David, 281
Homes rating system, 240
Homestead Act, 15, 49, 57
Homo sapiens, 103, 166
household wastes, 153
House of Representatives, 122
House Resources Committee, 224
Hubbert, M. King, 109
Hudson River, 22; school, 40, 42; on Storm King
Mountain, 124
human: activities, 151; and animals, 55, 137;
carcinogen, 187; ecology, sanitation and, 74;
environment, 144–45; industry, 50; -nature
relationship, 87–88; population growth, 195;
population of 8000 B.C., 128; respiratory system,
167; well-being, energy and, 189
humanity, 166, 269
The Human Shore: Seacoasts in History (Gillis), 265

hunting: of bird, 101; and fishing, 18, 64; grounds,
54; regulation in, 12; and trapping, 22
Huntington, Henry, 250
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 55
hybrid, 307
hydraulic facturing (fracking), 109, 251, 307
hydroelectric power, 245, 246, 307
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 169
hydropower, 260


Indian(s): attitude of Europeans towards, 18; Catlin,
George and, 34–35; death of, 8–9; family, 18;
Hawk, Black and, 35–36; and hunting, 18; and
land, 35–36; Native American and, 95–96; thought
and action, 95
Indigenous population, 1
indigo: corn and, 20; cotton and, 20; plantation, 26
industrial/industry: and agricultural production,
64, 114, 279; chemical and food processing, 87;
civilization, 135; coal, 241; development of, 39;
drugs, 95; and environment, 185–86; foods, 73, 95;
forest and farm, 66; fossil fuel, 273; growth and
development, 91, 68, 105, 107; human, 50, 179;
infant aviation, 69; issues, 252; labour and, 13;
meat-packing, 73; nuclear power and chemical,
179; pastoral, 50; plants, 120; pollution, 87;
public regulation of, 143; rationalization, 170;
raw materials and rationing, 106; recycling, 215;
research and development, 118; shipbuilding, 22,
69; silk, 15; timber, 224; and urban expansion, 38,
68; and urban growth, 37–38; waste and soot, 67
industrialization, 23, 167; agrarianism and, 23–24
Industrial Revolution, 23, 40, 107
infant aviation industry, 69
Inland Waterways Commission, 68, 82
innocent maple sugar, 28
inorganic “factors,” 97
insecticides, 307; need for, 207
insects, kinds of, 102
intellectual property rights, 208
intelligent husbandry, 29
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), 193
Interior, Department of, 86, 87
Interior, Secretary of, 46, 56, 79, 80, 84, 122, 142,

  1. See also Babbitt, Bruce; Ballinger, Richard;
    Fall, Albert; Morton, Rogers; Schurz, Carl; Udall,
    Stewart; Watt, James
    intermittency problems, 246

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