342 The Environmental Debate
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 40, 54–55, 76–77
OMG. See Oceans Melting Greenland
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 106
Ordway, Samuel, 88
Ordway, Samuel H., 105–6
Oregon Territory (1846), 37
organic “factors,” 97
organic farming, 308
organism, 308
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’
(OPEC), 116
organizations: non-governmental, 41;
use-oriented, 41
orientation, effect of, 220
Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 39, 55
Osborn, Fairfield, 88, 102
Our Synthetic Environment (Bookchin), 120
Our Vanishing Wildlife, 267
Owens, Bill, 225
ozone depletion, 308
Pacific coast, 2, 37
Palmer, Paul, 230
Paris Climate Agreement of 2016, 189, 283
‘parts per million by volume,’ 308
pastoral industry, agricultural and, 50
Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Mahon et al. (1922),
Pennsylvania, Three Mile Island, 163
Penn, William, 14–15
Perkins, Henry, 76
pesticides: on food chain, 87; synthetic, 121
“pests,” 96
Peterson, Roger Tory, 101
petroleum, and natural gas, 111
Phelan, James, 77–79
Philadelphia: Fairmont Park in, 40; New York and, 37
photovoltaic systems, 246
physical hazards, 117
Pierpont, Jay, 64
Pinchot, Gifford, 41, 68, 81, 84–85, 93, 157
pine-lands, 20
planetary system, 148
planning, federal land-use, 221–23
plants: and animals, 31; growth, 65; natural
communities of, 131; race of, 31
Plymouth Colony, 14
“point source,” 278
Poland Spring Water, 226
policy: continuing, 132; environmental, 157; resource,
policymaking process, 157
political: economy, 24; polarization, 204, 206; power,
100; social condition, 31
politicization, of global warming, 228–30
“pollutant/contaminant,” 154
pollution, 159, 308; of atmosphere, 123; Corn Belt
fertilizer, 278; costs, 156; and environmental
degradation, 152; levels of, 157; Nation’s, 107;
nitrogen, 271; oil, 135; and poor sanitation, 67;
prevent and control air, 87; problem, 130; public
interest in, 121; and quality, 107; and unsanitary
conditions, 68; water, 87
polychlorinated byphenal, 308
Pombo, Richard, 224
Pontus, Willm, 11
population: bird, 101; British, 21; of coastal regions,
130; concentration of, 91; developments and
growth in, 107; Diamond, Jared on, 236–37;
doubling time, 128; environmental quality,
growth on, 151; of Europe, 31; growth rate of,
30, 37, 110, 116, 158–59, 204–5, 270; human, 161;
mushrooming, 206–7; of New York, 37; principle
of, 30–31; and property, 24–25; small segment
of, 88; in United States, 86, 172, 204; of wildlife
species, 87
The Population Bomb (Ehrlich), 128
Portsmouth, town of, 12
positive component, 129
post-Carson generation, 116
potable water, 226
poverty, urban, 21
Powell, John Wesley, 41, 64–66, 68, 71, 82, 157
Powell, Lake, 147
power: development, aspects of, 125; legislative, 59;
nuclear, 244; police, 89–92
power plant, 260
prairie ranch land, 119
precautionary approach, 192, 213
pre-Endangered Species Act era, 267
prevailing diseases, 52
prevention, way of, 14
primaeval simplicity, 19
prioritization, 212
private: interests, 156; obsolete system of, 98;
property, protection of, 90
private property rights, 60, 204, 223–26
production: coal, 111; industrial and agricultural,
114; level of, 170
Programme of Action for Sustainable
Development, 157