Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

Earl W. Crosby, ‘‘Building the Country Home: The Black County Agent System, –
’’ (Ph.D. diss., Miami University, ).
. Margaret Jarman Hagood,Mothers of the South: Portraiture of the White Tenant
Farm Woman(; New York: Norton, ). See Anne Firor Scott’s introduction and,
on the single mother as successful tenant farmer and gardener, –.
. Bernice Kelly Harris,Southern Savory(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, ), . I am indebted also to Valerie Raleigh Yow’s excellent biography,Bernice
Kelly Harris: A Good Life Was Writing(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
), esp. – (on Frederick Koch and the folk drama movement), – (her de-
spair with childlessness and difficulties with her husband), – (her work with the
Federal Writers’ Project and its significance in her fiction), and –, , – (gar-
dening and canning). Also on Harris and the Writers’ Project, note my own testimony
inRural Worlds Lost, –, –.
. Zora Neale Hurston,Dust Tracks on a Road: An Autobiography(Philadelphia:
Lippincott, ),  (first quotation),  (second quotation). See also her jolly decla-
ration of her identity as ‘‘a Southerner,’’ . A finely detailed and reflective biography
of Hurston is Valerie Boyd,Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston(New
York: Scribner, ), used here for details on gardening (, , –, ).
. ZNH to Charlotte Osgood Mason, ,  July , in Carla Kaplan, ed.,Zora Neale
Hurston: A Life in Letters(New York: Doubleday, ), , .
. ZNH to Jean Parker Waterbury,  July ; to Burroughs Mitchell,  July ;
and to Waterbury, n.d. (marked ‘‘rec’d //’’), in ibid., –, –, –.
. The St. Augustine meetings and aftermath are recounted in Boyd,Wrapped in
Rainbows, , . See also MKR to Maxwell Perkins,  August ; Perkins to Raw-
lings,  August  and  April ; and Rawlings to Perkins,  April , inMax
and Marjorie: The Correspondence between Maxwell E. Perkins and Marjorie Kinnan Raw-
lings, ed. Rodger L. Tarr (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, ), – (quota-
tion), –. Hurston’s letter to Langston Hughes is quoted by Robert Hemenway in
his introduction to a new edition of Hurston’sMules and Men(; Bloomington: Indi-
ana University Press, ), xix–xx.
. ZNH to MKR,  May,  August , in Kaplan,Zora Neale Hurston, –,
–, and MKR to Maxwell Perkins,  August , in Tarr,Max and Marjorie, –
. Quoted in Kaplan,Zora Neale Hurston, – n. . Brief discussion of Rawlings
and color is based on a variety of her letters about employing black workers during the
s and s, and Boyd,Wrapped in Rainbows, –.
. Rawlings,Cross Creek(; New York: Touchstone, ), –.
. Ibid., –. On plants wild and domestic, see – and Rawlings,Cross
Creek Cookery(; New York: Fireside, ), –.
. Rawlings,Cross Creek,.
. Ibid., .
. Ibid., , –.
   – 

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