Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

see Otis L. Graham, ‘‘Again the Backward Region? Environmental History in and of the
American South,’’Southern Cultures (Summer ): –.
. See (this site is created and updated by the
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries).
. Information from, plus personal and friends’
observations in Florida and New York City.
. Charles McGrath, ‘‘Of Greens and Greens,’’ and Andrew Pollack, ‘‘Can Biotech
Crops Be Good Neighbors?,’’ both inNew York Times(Week in Review),  September
. Tom Wolfe,A Man in Full: A Novel(New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, ), 
(‘‘force of nature’’); ‘‘... had a back like a Jersey Bull’’ recurs.
. Ibid., .
. Ibid., –.

   – 
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