Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

Parakeets, xi–xii; Carolina, –, ;
monk, –
Parker, Idella, , –, 
Passenger pigeons, 
People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (PETA), –
Percy, Walker, –
Perdue, Theda, xvii
Perkins, Maxwell, , , –
Petersburg, Va., –
Pfiesteria piscicida(‘‘red tide’’), , –
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 
Pinchot, Gifford, , –
Plantations: Civil War and, –;
demise of, –, –; improve-
ment of, –, –; labor systems,
–, –; migrations of, –,
–; origins and definition of, –
.See alsoEdmund Ruffin; Edward
Strickland; John Taylor
Pollan, Michael, xix, –, 
Ponce de Leon, Juan, –
Poultry industry, –; cruelty of,
–; industrialization of, –
Powhatan, 
Presley, Elvis, –
Prunty, Merle C., Jr., xvii
Pyne, Stephen, xviii

Quigualtam (Natchez), –

Railroads, , –.See alsoFlagler,
Henry M.; St. Augustine, Fla.; West
Point, Va.
Raper, Arthur F., –
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, xviii, xx, ,
, ; as hunter/gatherer/cook,
, –; on hunting, ; on St.
Johns River, –; settlement in
Florida, –;The Yearlingas environ-
mental history, –, –; and Zora
Neale Hurston, –

Reiger, John, xviii
Roosevelt, Theodore, , 
Rountree, Helen, xvii
Ruffin, Edmund, , ; as agricultural
reformer, –; as enemy of open
range, , , ; on public health,
, –

St. Augustine, Fla., –; meeting of
Zora Neale Hurston and Marjorie
Kinnan Rawlings in, –
‘‘St. Augustine Look’’ (architecture),
St. Johns River, –, – passim
Sanger, Margaret, 
Seminoles, –, , 
Shama, Simon, xviii
Shay, William W., –
Silver, Timothy, xvi, 
Simic, Charles, , 
Simms, William Gilmore, 
Small, John Kunkel, –
Smith, John, –, , 
Smithfield Foods, –, –
Smuts, Jan Christian, , –
Snakes, , 
Soto, Hernando de, xv, –; La Florida
expedition, –
Sparrow, white-throated, xiii
Spira, Harry, 
Standifer, Leon C., 
Stewart, Mart, xvi
Stilgoe, John, xviii
Stoicism, –
Stoll, Steven, xvi
Strickland, Edward, –
Suburbs, –, , –; gated,
–; lawns of, –, –
Swine, –, –; as carnivores, –
; and the Civil War, ; ecological
impacts of, –, ; as industrial
meat, –
 
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